Yeah relationships can be a son of a bitch not too mention that shit where some chick totally fucks you up for a while. I know how it is. One of my exes cheated on me and well I felt shitty for a while and just wanted to listen to Bethlehem and end my life just about every moment hahaha.
Now I am about to get married and have a kid on the way with an amazing woman.
There is a lot of women in the sea for sure. Ya got to realize and you probably will that, life is an experience and its meant to fuck you up sometimes. Just know this!!!!!
It is up to you how you wanna feel about all of it. If you realize that it is but a choice to feel fucked up about someone or feel good about the situation the way it is, then it ends. Sure it may take some time, but maybe its just time to move on.
About 2 weeks or so after my ex basically ripped my heart out and served it too me on a platter, I made it down to a metal show and picked up these 2 chicks, just 2 see if I had it in me to rebound.
The one I wanted to hook up with out of the 2 (had to ask em both for their numbers to be nice I guess, didn't know how else to go about it) wasn't interested in me. So i called the other girl to see if she would wanna hang and see how things went etc.
I took her to a metal show (gigantour with megadeth, opeth, lamb of god) and bam later that night we hit it off really well etc, things led to this, that etc. It was a good time to say the least.
Ended up not working out with us for too long, but it was a very fun time.
Things progressed and you end up realizing that the past is just meant to be the past and that there is no need to dwell on it. Ya never know what the next day will bring. Like I said, its all in the mind and well fear can be the mindkiller and it pretty much is, but only to an extent and if you allow it to be.