post your sexy pics here

I had a Bison Burger last weekend at the DesertFire in Redmond.
I've tried many critters and crawlers...first time for one of these though.
Seemed a bit more lean than beef. Any opinion?
Yes! I tried buffalo meat for the first time 2 summers ago. It was very good... not so "fatty" tasting like normal beef, much more lean and wholesome. Since then I have had a couple and even BBQd some of my own. I really like it, although it seems that good buffalo meat is still hard to come by around here. When I was in Sedona Arizona earlier this month, every restaurant we went to had a Buffalo burger on the menu. I really wanted to get one somewhere but unfortunately it just didn't work out this time.

Supposedly buffalo meat is much better for you than normal beef is as well. I definitely approve :headbang:
I'm normally a pretty messy person (the floor of my apartment is covered in clothes, comics, and crumbs [alliteration lol]), but the shower is a place of hygiene, so i keep it clean. I dig hygiene.
^that game is awesome, although i never get to play since my pops always plays that game and wont quit for hours and hours. I have on the wii and i checked to see how long he played, man it was nonstop for 16 hours. Even i don't play for that long, actually, i don't even get to play because of him