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To me it was like a really good sloppy burger. It's not gourmet but burgers aren't really supposed to be gourmet. I think the fact that they're usually messy and greasy and artery clogging is one of the appeals of a burger. Five Guys is better than fast food in the sense that they actually care about having them taste good as opposed to just selling as many as possible.

Although I didn't eat mine from a stadium. I imagine that'd be a bit iffy.
The one at Zeitgeist was OK. Not bad.... and I admit that I enjoyed it for that time being, but also not ground breaking amazing.

With that being said, I definitely think that the Five Guys at the ball-park was nastier than the regular Five Guys, because the one I had there was really gross and greasy and oily and just WRONG.
I haven't had much experience with restaurants at sports complexes, but from the experiences I have had, ball park/stadium restaurants are on par with airport restaurants. Nothing like the real thing.


(and yeah Miller was the best beer choice there... )