post your sexy pics here

Karmic said:
It's been a while, and my hair has seemed to have at least grown out a bit :kickass:

Sadly, no orb pic yet :cry:

Larf03 said:
I've got 5 leopard gecko myself... And a common garter snake I've tamed and visit every once in a while at my grandmother's cottage. It must be a male because it's always alone and at the same spot. I bring it small rodents every now and then and feed them to it. It's always basking in the same spot and it's getting quite large now. I think it's about 5 or 6 years old. I never picked it up because it's an original species from quebec and I think it's better it remains this way.

I did say ''tamed'' but it's never the right word with reptiles. I guess it just tolerates me and identified me a no threat.

Dude, your grandmother has a cottage? That fucking rules. Do you ever show up with a red hooded cloak and a basket of goodies? I so would. :lol:
I see some brutal asskissing around here.

Mah, Isabel and Karmic, nice :)

derek, you look like a kid (who got his bed pissed :tickled: ) though, your dad looks like a real William Wallace :kickass:
Bacchante said:
Awww, I remember you posted some pictures of them a while back..
And I think its cool you have a garter snake should try feeding him some nightcrawlers or comet goldfish in a dish (he'll love you forever) :)

^ actually, comet goldfish are the worst fish to ever feed to any repltile
or turtle or fish.... they are always "empy bellied" so your pet doesn't get anything but fish-meat, and that fish meat has no nutrisious values what-so-evah. I keep telling people that only feed their oscars or piranas comets to STOP and then start giving them brine shrimp, blood worms, and get feeder guppies that are so much better.

As for your question Lessa: Im the Assitant Manager and the Animal specialist of my store, so part of my job is to take all the sick animals to the vet, and take care of them... so sometimes I have a zoo here, sometimes I give them out for adoptions... I do plan on keeping the Crested Gecko because they are awesome, and nothing is cuter than a little gecko who licks baby-food from your finger.... :)

I should start a thread Animal Help 101 :lol:

currently: I have 2 Guinea pigs, my 2 fish tanks (that I love sooooooo much, fish is my biggest passion) 2 leopard geckos, one blue tongue skink, Crested gecko, I just gave away the bearded dragon, and a dog :) :)
The dog btw, will stay here forever!

btw, thank you Mah! you silly silly Mah, :oops:
and nice pictures everyone!!!!!
Tee said:
I see some brutal asskissing around here.

Mah, Isabel and Karmic, nice :)

derek, you look like a kid (who got his bed pissed :tickled: ) though, your dad looks like a real William Wallace :kickass:

I told you it was a few years old (2001). Damn you Tee for being so harsh!!! :p
I love you too, neal. you and some others. very few, i.e. :D

(correction: Tee is not mean ( :-* ) :cry: , but honest (?) by telling things to ppl that ppl don't want to hear, me thinks. no kissies on butt cheeks :p )