post your sexy pics here

Yay, thank you to people who leave nice comments. :Spin:

I'll leave some belated nice ones: you look great in a dress, Iz. It's strange, since we've only seen you in torn stockings, metal shirts and bullet belts, and it's interesting to see how people change depending on how they're dressed. And you go from metal chick to ballroom headturner, and both suit you excellently :)
Lesa, what a cute snake! Although I don't really like snakes as pets myself, if I'll ever get one, it'd be the kind you have. I play with the ones at my job all the time.. haha :)
I love the picture of you and the snake, a lot! :Spin:

Jen: you had Häagen-Dazs ice cream : YUMMM! My favorite! Great pictures too!

Hi Jason! :wave: very nice pic!

And Jace Mereel: your guy looks great and healthy! GREAT job! :)
I'll leave some belated nice ones: you look great in a dress, Iz. It's strange, since we've only seen you in torn stockings, metal shirts and bullet belts, and it's interesting to see how people change depending on how they're dressed. And you go from metal chick to ballroom headturner, and both suit you excellently :)

The irony here: she hates being called "Iz". :)

Upload them to Imageshack (I find it easiest/quickest if you only upload a few photos and are not interested in online photo albums). Then once it's uploaded, just copy the image URL into the box provided by clicking the little stamp shaped mountain thing in the message box.
Speaking of Betas... I love them... I have 10 betas in almost every corner in my house hahaha
They can be a great part of the interior :)

They're addicting fishes because they have such great personalities. But unless something happens to Gibs, I'll stick with just one. Maybe getting guppies soon, though, just to make use of my 2.5gl tank. Hopefully, they''ll be fun little dudes.
See, asshat comments like this could potentially reduce the ogle quotient of this thread, and that would annoy me greatly.

Also, are your eyes in backwards or what? That young woman is, to coin a term, Illegalicious.
speaking of snakes, there was a snake outside yesterday, so I took pictures while cara's dad wrangled it.




It was feisty! It kept slithering towards me trying to attack. Good times!

My googling has led me to believe it is a "Eastern rat snake"

it does look similar to this one I guess!

from some website : "Handling this snake is difficult because it is so aggressive (herpetologists refer to this species as one of the meanest snakes found in the wild). "

haha awesome

It eventually calmed down and climbed onto the stick, as shown, where it was escorted to the safety of a stream. It probably climbed out into public view due to all the construction that is going on around this area.