Post your ugly face

VampiricYouth said:


Seriously though, that club, Gotham, is awesome :P

you know, you could just go in there wearing black leather pants and a heavy metal shirt and still be accepted without looking like those pansy mall goths that get the shit kicked out of them on a weekly basis in my town.
Jinn said:
you know, you could just go in there wearing black leather pants and a heavy metal shirt and still be accepted without looking like those pansy mall goths that get the shit kicked out of them on a weekly basis in my town.

Ha Ha! black leather pants!! dont know about that now! Visions of YMCA
PVC > Leather

Mallgoths aren't that common in South Africa although the whole Hardcore/Metalcore shit is on the rise... I however, am not a Mallgoth :)
Well, my girlfriend is into Katatonia as well, so here's her mug shot for y'all


before when i was trying to be all kvlt and grim ahahhaha

next one is just who i really am.