Post your ugly face

Not new here, well, I never post, but I check the forum sometimes. ;p

Note: my dreads are going off within the next 2-3 weeks, already busy getting them out.
without said:
it was just fun, nothing else : )

sorry for the temporary disturb ;)

...WTF is going on.....lolz....Im all confused.... who are you...? have started this and you must tell us who you are......obviously you at least have more than one PIC of the Katatonia website now that you have my FULL should at least Private Message me about who you are....dont worry I wont tell.... ;)
Deliverance6 said:
...WTF is going on.....lolz....Im all confused.... who are you...? have started this and you must tell us who you are......obviously you at least have more than one PIC of the Katatonia website now that you have my FULL should at least Private Message me about who you are....dont worry I wont tell.... ;)

sorry but ı don't have any exciting story to tell you,
I met with band 4 years ago when they came to my country, and after that we keep contact via ıcq.
the t-shirt that I wear was a present from them, so after ı took that photo.. ı sent the picure, and said "see that's your gift..and nice pic isn't it?".

and the next morning my pic was on their web site.
it was a very very nice feeling : ) really :rock:

i´m just taking a rest here.
@without: a quite interesting story! =) But I did not feel "disturbed" in any way, it was just mysterious *grin*

Oh drunken pics... that's a good idea ... though I have none... but I've got an evidence that I'm an hairy monster *lol*


*graaaaaaaaaah* run away *graaaaaaah* :Smug:


The shirt you can see there is black, with red "Katatonia" as frontprint and on the back "We die * we all" ...a friend made it for my birthday... because my official shirt lost it's shape after just 2 years of intensive washing and wearing *cry*
At this point I have to say, that there's a terrible lack of Katatonia-Girlies *hummm*