Post your ugly face

Bloody Swan you have haunted my dreams for too long now. You're immeasurably beautiful and were I in Germany I'd endevour to win your favour.

But alas it's not to be.
@requiem: *aaah*, no, don't say such things... or do you want to make me blushing 'til I look as red as a tomato? *g*
Too bad for you, I'm already engaged ... but nevermind, my heart is big enough for everyone in this world to take place in it ;D

@FatefuL: Hey... of course that makes sense! Lia's my name ... but I see... I have to become a superstar before anyone compares me with myself :Smug:
*Joins in on the trend of complimenting Swan.*

I like it that she's beautiful, likes Katatonia, and does a zombie impression in one of her pics. =D *Is a huge zombie move fan.*
Just wait 'til Cis and Ether comes back from their northern euro-tour haha.... They will have an all-star photo of us... I just hope they post it here as they promised haha... It will be hot ...