Power Quest update - first European headline shows


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Press Release 21.02.2011

POWER QUEST is pleased to announce a number of European dates for 2011; the band will play Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg for the very first time in April. The venues will be confirmed shortly. Singer Chity Somapala is excited about the opportunity: “It’s about time we met our massive fan base in the Netherlands and Belgium, and in Luxembourg I also hope to see some of our German fans! I am so looking forward to this, we’re gonna kick some serious ass for sure on this tour – Blood Alliance is a killer album!”

Steve Williams adds: ”We had so much positive feedback on the last European tour with Angra and Firewind in France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal, but unfortunately were not able to cover more countries. There are many elements that make international touring pretty difficult these days. So I am really glad we have now the chance to do that! See you on the road!”

“Blood Alliance” was released in Japan on 26th January and has received tremendously positive feedback amongst the media and the fans. Europe and the US will be seeing the album towards end of March.
Pre-ordering is available at online stores or directly from Napalm Records: http://www.napalmrecords.com/product_info.php?products_id=13372

For a preview, POWER QUEST released a full album teaser, which can be found here:

Blood Alliance tour schedule:

• March 19th - Hammerfest III, Prestatyn, Noth Wales
• May 29th - June 8th - Hard Rock Hell Roadtrip, Ibiza
• August 13th - Bloodstock Open Air, Derby, UK

PQ Headline shows - Blood Alliance Tour 2011
• Apr 15th - De Kade (Netherlands) - tbc
• Apr 16th - Genk (Belgium) - GC Drieschaar
• Apr 17th - Luxembourg – tbc

PQ Headline shows - Blood Alliance Tour 2011
• May 5th - London - Purple Turtle
• May 6th - Derby - Redemption Club
• May 7th - Manchester - Satan's Hollow
• May 8th - Glasgow - Classic Grand
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Hopefully I'll be there for May 5th at the dive AKA the Purple Turtle . Couldn't you at least get the Underworld Steve? :)

By the way the album kicks ass. I was worried about Chitty but my worries were needless. He fits like a glove in the end. The album is your heaviest and best PQ album by far. I am waiting for the UK release date to order from Play or HMV, but it's just a bit too far ahead of the Jap release date, but I guess the Japs need their shit early! Any way my two fave songs at the moment are Glorious which is just that Steve, and Crunching The Numbers which is just insane. Especially the almost technical guitar workouts towards the end of the song. Steve it is the power metal album of the year so far and I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. The melodies are just to die for at times and your keyboard playing is a joy as always. Ok I'm gonna stop kissing your ass now!
Cheers dude! I didn't book the show....hence the venue. To be honest we always find London to be very hit and miss anyway......always seem to get better crowds in the Midlands, Manchester and further North.

Glad the album has hit the spot for you. Indeed, I've already mentioned to the label that the gap between Japanese and all other releases has been WAY too big and may well prove to be detrimental in the long run

See you in May matey!