Poweramp comparison - ISP Stealth vs. Peavey 6505


Sent from the Golden Hall
Sep 15, 2008
Hey guys, I've been using the ISP Stealth for a little while now with my Kemper, and I've been super impressed with it. Previously I was running the KPA through the power section of my 6505 head, so I decided to A/B the two amps with identical settings, at identical volumes, and see what kind of a difference there was. There was quite a noticeable difference between the two, so I made some very simple front panel eq adjustments to try to bring the two sounding closer. I could have analyzed the two tracks and gotten them closer with some fancy parametric eq'ing, but in the interest of simplicity and universality, I wanted to restrict myself to only the front panel knobs, and as few moves as possible.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


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