Powerfest '05 Picture Thread

Great photos everyone, so glad to see them all! I will post my thoughts and goings ons about the fest and all things TM and ML later... I just thought for now I'd let you guys know that ALL of my digital shots are now up on the site... . I'll scan the print film photos later, probably the end of next week when all this touring stuff stops. LOL But I am sure you'll be more than happy with what is posted at the moment. When you view the photos, it is better to click on a thumbnail and view everything as large photos... or use the slideshow option at the top of the gallery. Hope you guys like it! Just click on my banner below and you will get to my site.
Squeak said:
But I look like a dork with that look on my fave at Urban! LOL I think Urban had that same look too. hahaha He's fun to mimmick.

I don't think you look like a dork. I think you look like you were getting into it. :rock: