Powerfest '05

Zhanna said:
BELIVE me !! i already try that MANY times :grin: *LOL*...but, not in your way ;) ..... i have buckets with cold water... :loco:
But.... no bad words !!.... either a scream or REVENGE !! :tickled:

A scream huh ? Did he sound like Mark Slaughter ?

Well you can also get out your camera, while he is asleep, put some shaving cream in his hand and then tickle his nose. That one is always fun.

:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :bah: :bah: with these pictures I'm going to put them under my pillow and dream, dream, dream that I was there.....
Kim K said:
This was posted on the ProgPower board and as far as I remember its correct.

1. Servant of the Bones
2. I Know Your Name
3. New Clear Skies
4. Another Time Around
5. Cyberdome
6. Where the Sun Never Shines
7. Order of the 7 Poles
8. A Mended Rhyme
9. Undead
10. Lord on High
11. Life in a Lonely Grave
12. Ethereal Soul
13. Matters of the Dark
14. Mother Shipton's Words
15. Unwelcome Guest
16. Sword of Retribution
17. No Mercy
18. Take on the World
19. The Shining (Black Sabath cover)
20. Anubis
21. Corporate Masters

Killer set. Still would have loved to hear "Afraid to Die"
MetalRose said:
Note to self: Do not drink prior to reading Bryant's posts...


Hmmm.... I didn't think the Mark Slaughter thing was that funny. I can't remember the singer dude's name from Steelheart. That guy would make sopranos envious.
Let's just hope Zhanna doesn't try all my practical jokes. Urban will be scheming something up for me up until they come back to their next PP appearance. I don't want him to put tobasco sauce in my beer or something. "Hey let's see how red Bryant can turn."

dargormudshark said:
Just for the record....MARK SLAUGHTER RULES!!!!! <sings love kills out loud>

I saw Slaughter live about seven or eight years ago or so with Quiet Riot and Mark peeled the paint off the walls with his voice. He hit every one of those super high notes live that he did on record. I was impressed.
