Powerfest Update


Aug 10, 2003
Niles Illinois
Visit site
Hi everyone!

We hope you're doing well and ready for a great Powerfest weekend
which is coming up quickly!

If you ordered tickets before Wednesday, March 16th, they were dropped
in the mail this afternoon (Wed.) and will be arriving shortly. If you do not
received them in the next 10 days, please notify me immediately at the
address this email came from and we will make special arrangements for
you. Everyone had been assigned specific ticket numbers which we will
be able to track. For those of you whose orders arrived today, your tickets
will go out next week.

The club will be open all day but the side that the stage is on will be curtained
off until roughly one hour before showtime. If you arrive early, you can hang out
where the vendor/merch tables are, buy drinks and mingle.

Century Media Records and Inside Out Music will be onhand selling cds and the
bands will all have merch tables set up on the day they are playing as well.

There will be a low-key pre-party on Thursday, April 7th, at JJ Kelley's starting at
roughly 9pm. It's 25 cent taco night (they are great, I've devoured many) as well
as karaokee so be prepared to witness some hilarious antics and sillyness. There
will be quite a few band members arriving early so I'm sure they will be around to
chat or whatever and we will have a special area reserved for the Powerfest people.

Sunday night party:
For those of you still in town on Sunday (and if you have any energy left), Rob Such
and I will be guest djs at Exit's Metal Night which starts about 10pm. There are
giveaways from various labels and loud metal until 4am, how can you beat that!?
For club info., visit www.exitchicago.com.

Tad Morose/Morgana Lefay meet 'n greet:
For those of you interested, members of Tad and Morgana will be at Impulse Music
in Roselle, IL from Noon until 2pm on Saturday, April 9th, for a meet 'n greet. For
more info., check out www.impulsemusic.com.

We'd like to welcome aboard Sam Ash Music as a new sponsor this year, they will
be providing the backline gear which is killer! Shure will be returning as a sponsor,
providing wireless gear and Netfusiondesigns.com along with Shredzone.com return
as sponsors as well.

Thanks very much for your support, we sincerely appreciate it and glad you're coming
along for the ride, this is only the beginning!

Chris Lotesto
Rob Such
John Coyne :rock: