ppl, you have to admit...

I see what fetus was saying about getting too into the forum(s). I didn't realize people like metalized and tee feel so strongly about the people they meet in here. I think it's the other way around for me. Although there are some great people I meet in bands in Tucson, the people they surround themselves with really piss me off sometimes. Not for being closed-minded but because they find other ways to piss me off. I would almost rather post on forums than spend time with real-life assholes. Side note: I would choose UltimateMetal.com over AOL's Metal Chatroom any fukking day of the week. There's waaaaaaay too much hate flowing in chat rooms.
I feel sorry for the people that take these boards seriously. Give me a break, Its a metal board for christ sakes!!! About 2% of these boards have any usefull info or anything that you can take away from it. Lighten up, have fun, live life. Because life is to short to be miserable.

Peace and love to all in this fucked up metal community.
They need to lighten up.......I'll bet, the next time they have a shitty day and need somewhere to BS, they'll be back. Come on, what fun would this place be if it wasn't like it is???:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Guerrilla
I see what you're trying to do... It's the whole thing about keeping things interesting right? hahahaa :lol:


No, I honestly feel this way. Not ALL metalheads, but quite a few of them. Maybe it's different away from Seattle, I don't know.

And Mama, these are not the only type of people I 'surround myself' with. Way to make a blind assumption.
I just think it's laughable to leave a psuedo-community because people with different agendas, mindsets, cultural backgrounds, opinions, ages, races, etc, etc. cannot and will not agree on everything.

Oh boo hoo. Maybe it's not so far from the real world after all. Buh bye.
Tee had a very good point, I agree and am very sad to see him go. Hell, I got here, posted, and got flamed like hell, and I thought you guys were just a bunch of assholes. Now I know that you guys are just a bunch of assholes and I love you all, man *tear*. I also always thought Metalheads were open-minded(except for music) and intelligent. Of course, I am the only Metalhead in Arkansas so I just go by the ones I meet on the internet.
On the music issue, hell everyone else always says *Metal is just a bunch of noise and all the vocalist does is scream.* They speak about what they do not know. I didn't ever talk about their music, hell I used to listen to it when I was 6 and 7, but hell that was a long time ago. Same thing goes for religion. When you do or listen or believe something different from them they look at you differently. Even those you know. Sad. I find a lot of Metalheads are not like this, so there, we have something to celebrate.
Tee had a very good point, I agree and am very sad to see her go. There happy. Man, everyone is so freakin picky on this board.
Fuck you Satan's whores, I hear him calling you now, time for him to sodomize you cunts.
