ppl, you have to admit...

Originally posted by Mama
@DF: Child, I NEVER assume anything, I'm much too old for that! Silly!!!


Do you have any idea how old I am? You just assumed I was a child. You're fucking stupid, to boot.
"Fuck you Satan's whores, I hear him calling you now, time for him to sodomize you cunts."
"I'm talking about keeping the hatred alive."

Still makes no sense.
"I know whore"
Don't call me a whore you ƒû¢kîñg slut. Yeah, I saw you on the street with the *Blowjob-$1, anal-$1.50* sign. Was that Halford that gave you the $2.50?
Dead_baby, go fuck yourself with your little dead baby dick.
Anyone who drinks COUGH SYRUP (dxm) to get high is an idiot. Do you know that causes serious brain damage?
As for me "assuming" things about you, oh PLEASE!! Like I give a rats ass about your pathetic little life.
And child is an expression you moron. I wasn't CALLING you one.
Go drink some more Robitussin and have a seizure. It's obvious you're already brain damaged.
Oh, I guess I'm ASSUMING again that your dead baby dick is little....

Well, dead_fetus got pissed off when that US-Greece flame war was going on, so according to what he posted you might not see him for a while.
So piss someone else off.
Flame on...
