PPUSA XV - Who's going???


Nov 4, 2013
Savannah, GA
Greetings Fellow SW Fans!

I'm just wondering who among us will be making the trip to Atlanta for ProgPower USA? And if you're planning to go, where will you be traveling from?

The trip to Atlanta from my home in Savannah is a relatively short one - only 4 hours. This will be my first time attending PPUSA and my first time seeing SW ...so a double whammy! I've really got to find another adjective because "excited" doesn't even begin to do it justice.

I hope I get the opportunity to meet some of you at the festival. Let's make sure that our boys have the most exuberant bunch of fans there!

All the best,

Hey Christa!! I will be there, arriving Wed from the northern Virginia area. You are going to love ProgPower PERIOD. This is going to be my 7th one and every year has been amazing!!!

You'll meet a ton of folks, PACE YOURSELF and bank on only a scant few hours of sleep while there.. And it's so worth it!!! Look forward to meeting you and seeing some other familiar faces that I know are here...

2 weeks Maxx!!! Cannot wait to see you and Daniela again!!!

And PS for everyone - if you want to get SW shwag, I highly recommend you preorder to pick up at PP. They sold out quick of merch the last time they were there. I still regret not getting the SW US flag shirt before they did!!

And PS for everyone - if you want to get SW shwag, I highly recommend you preorder to pick up at PP. They sold out quick of merch the last time they were there. I still regret not getting the SW US flag shirt before they did!!

That happened to me with the Circus Maximus US flag one. I was on a budget that year and it was the only shirt I really wanted. I was lucky to have gotten the SW flag one, and I've preordered their exclusive one this year.

it's going to be truly epic!!! I cannot wait to see everyone again... Is it wrong I'm picking up 3 new shirts?? (and still debating the shield hoodie :P )
Hey JenniferLynn - I've seen you on Facebook! Look forward to meeting you there! Thanks for the tip about the merch. Preorder seems to be the way to go for sure.

Getting closer, y'all!