it just kicks so much ass, i don't even want to describe it.
the katatonia video, katatonia style!
it's just not just another video.
it deserves a fuckin award. no bullshit!
i want to see normal people becoming katatonia fanatics over this.
congratulations for all the people involved!
i'm fuckin proud.
A Darkness Coming said:
the fact that i am going to see katatonia in a video is enough for me
and they should do what they want not what we want the video to be like
i have faith in katatonia

Well, they did what they wanted and it was what I wanted.
Win - win. :) Good job guys! :rock:
Nice video. I like the understated performance by Jonas and the overall vibe. Though those hands reaching out from the refrigerator made me go "wtf?", what are they supposed to be?
My guess is that the hands in the refrigerator is the girl. He probably put her there...
Blakkheim said:
hey calling all boy directors (especially born after 1985, but really prefered born 1990 and up, persons born before 1985 doesnt seem to really have what it takes) to shoot our new video. hence the complaints u all seem to sit on some incredible knowledge about doing a video. it's killer u speak up and let us know yer out there with all this experience. i mean, u wouldnt complain if it wasnt for that script/director/editor/knowledge u possess and is ready to offer yerselves, so thats truly a great opportunity and we cant wait to work with u...

Man, I usually agree 100% with everything you say, but if you're trying to tell us as fans that we can't criticize your video... well that's just laughable. We buy your records. You wouldn't be making that video if not for us. You don't have to LIKE our criticisms, but I think it's fair that we can say what we wish.
Demilich said:
Man, I usually agree 100% with everything you say, but if you're trying to tell us as fans that we can't criticize your video... well that's just laughable. We buy your records. You wouldn't be making that video if not for us. You don't have to LIKE our criticisms, but I think it's fair that we can say what we wish.

hey calling all boy judges! i plead guilty indeed! get me a life sentence!
VampiricYouth said:
I was expecting a fat guy to walk into frame and go "You're watching the video, My Twin..."
Hahah indeed, it was very nice to hear the full song, and without that part..
Marry me!
I want to have your man babies!

This was prbably the best since... well.. long ago atleast.
Beautiful video!
but i agree on the "hands in the fridge" thing.. sort of wtf??!
i got a sence of Ringu from it :)
haha.. I thought the hands out of the fridge thing was really cool! I almost jumped out of my chair when it happened! Isn't it supposed to represent that he never wakes up of his nightmare... just as he awakes, and goes out to the fridge to get a beer or something, he realizes that he's still dreaming? Or something... damn good video anyway! Dark and arty...
Originaly Posted by VampiricYouth
I was expecting a fat guy to walk into frame and go "You're watching the video, My Twin..."

yeah i expected the same! :tickled:

i especially like the side-view of jonas just seeing his lips moving and his hair beneath the eyes. not that i don't want to see jonas in the full view but it's just cool like that ^^ and the watch with an eye in it, which looks awesome, is also a great idea. the ending is the only thing that i don't really like... ok this guy seems to be extremely paranoid but his house falling into pieces? come on... :err:
Hobo said:
but i agree on the "hands in the fridge" thing.. sort of wtf??!
i got a sence of Ringu from it :)
That was the best bit! :rock: :worship:

And it was definitely great to finally hear the rest of the song! Can't wait to get my mits on the Single and CD (just pre-ordered 'em)!