Prepare thyself!

Well done phlog :)

Well, you didnt do anything, but you know what I mean :)

He will be named after me I take it?
KoichCPA said:
I saw it, I just wasn't willing to touch it in case you weren't aware of the finer points of time.:)

HAHAHA! This is the funniest thing that anyone has said yet! Thanks.

I am getting more than my fair share of :err: from people though.
spawn said:
He will be named after me I take it?

Yep, everyone here will be getting their name in there somewhere. We're thinking of going with Goreripper as the first name though, because we think that will be more fun during roll-call, and a shortname of "Gory"? Who can resist that?

That's classy man!

And who cares what anybody else thinks... just so long as you guys are happy. I've already had a few comments about it being "wrong" for a 23 year old and 17 year old to be dating. But meh!
The way I figure it is that if I had met her a couple of years down the track when she had a two year old then nary a raised eyebrow would be seen. It would be considered almost normal, especially in my age group. There's not a whole lot of difference between that and the current situation.

And b) you're right. I don't really give a flying about anyone else's opinion.
Yeah my dad mentioned something to me about it, I just turned around and said to him "you got mum pregnant when she was 18... how old were you again? 25!"

6 years isn't that big... the big issue people keep making is that she's 17. She'll be 18 in a couple of months and people seem to be fine with that, I had one person suggest "just stay her friend till she turns 18" :rolleyes:
Is the bub's father still in the picture at all, Phlog? If he shows an interest in his son or daughter's life and wants to participate, you could be in for some pretty thorny custody arguments. Best o' luck with everything though. Sounds exciting in a mildly scary sort of way.


PS: To all the expecting parents on here, will your children grow up watching Hi-5 or The Wiggles? I implore you all to make the right choice. Society's future depends on it!
"I'd choose Hi-5... and I think we all know why!"

Good man ;).

I'm not too keen on the idea of parenthood meself. There's something in the Geneva Convention that will prevent me from ever reproducing, and if not there bloody well should be!

Wrathchild said:
Is the bub's father still in the picture at all, Phlog? If he shows an interest in his son or daughter's life and wants to participate, you could be in for some pretty thorny custody arguments. Best o' luck with everything though. Sounds exciting in a mildly scary sort of way.

Nah, he's said he's not interested in being involved at all, although people have been known to change their minds. Something we'll deal with when we have to, and not worry too much about it until then.
Celestial-Todd said:
"just stay her friend till she turns 18" :rolleyes:

Todd, I did do that.

Kylia and I could have hooked up months before we did, but I was waiting until she turned 18. Looking back now, I regret it majorly, as we missed a few months of being happy. I can't even remember my reasons.

I was waiting for her turn 18, and the whole time, she was waiting for me.

You did the right thing.
hahaha ^^ class.

Alscho, I never want kids but have fun all those who plan to.

And with the Wiggles vs Hi-5... sure there aren't any hotties in The Wiggles (apart from Murray) they write MUCH better songs.

At the moment Hi-5 is singing about how you should say "I love you" to everyone. I think that's... dangerous?
Kids are fun, I cant think what it would be without my boys.......for example last night we sat down ands watched the Goodies on UK TV they we all crackinh up so was I, even though It was in front of the idiot box the moment was priceless..... much to the distaste of Michelle who elected to stay in the Kitchen to avoid our mirth.......
Or the time Ben (7yrs) wanted to use the internet and surf on to, we asked what he said no just hhahahhaha