president 2008...

Final_Product said:
Don't particuarly care. The figure head of government almost seems irrelevant now anyway.

Its very relevant as the executive branch (American of course) becomes more and more powerful. As we have recently discovered, the executive branch can go to war or piss on the constitution all by itself if so desired.

I'd like to see McCain. Ive been on his bandwagon before he became so popular with the media. Sure he's a lier and a typical politician, but I like his candor, and his adherence to basic conservative and classic liberal principles, rather than adhereing to some perverse form of corporate-fascism-imperialism, or middling, politically correct, ineffectual socialism of the current Republicans and Democrats.
speed said:
I'd like to see McCain. Ive been on his bandwagon before he became so popular with the media. Sure he's a lier and a typical politician, but I like his candor, and his adherence to basic conservative and classic liberal principles, rather than adhereing to some perverse form of corporate-fascism-imperialism, or middling, politically correct, ineffectual socialism of the current Republicans and Democrats.
ditto except that i live in texas state where McCain ran for governor (and lost) so being mostly unfamiliar with any of the polititions out side of texas i'd have to go with the woman who was the only female governor of texas

"Ernest Saves The USA"
yes it's to prevent evil guy from ruling fforever and to prevent nice guy from becoming evil

lol, nice one
In Australia our PM can stay in for how ever long the people want him/her in there for. Ive always thought in a democracy thats the way it shoud be.
Well, unfortunately men tend to be corrupted by power. The US presidents used to be able to stay on for an unlimited period but it became common place to only stay in office 8yrs which then became law. The idea behind it it to ensure a good man has enough time to work without becoming corrupted or that a bad president cant stay indefinately.

Personally, i quite the like idea. I think 8yrs is enough for anyone to be in such a high position of power.

But speed, doesnt the executive branch need support from other parts of the government? What i was thinking when i said that was: Bush is a one dimensional idiot, and he seems, to me anyways, as merely a puppet.
Final_Product said:
Well, unfortunately men tend to be corrupted by power. The US presidents used to be able to stay on for an unlimited period but it became common place to only stay in office 8yrs which then became law. The idea behind it it to ensure a good man has enough time to work without becoming corrupted or that a bad president cant stay indefinately.

Personally, i quite the like idea. I think 8yrs is enough for anyone to be in such a high position of power.

But speed, doesnt the executive branch need support from other parts of the government? What i was thinking when i said that was: Bush is a one dimensional idiot, and he seems, to me anyways, as merely a puppet.

Yes the executive branch does need the support of congress (but it presently has the support of the republican congress and senate) to pass any domestic bill it wants. However, the presidents power to go to war, foriegn policy, obviously spying, has increased substantially in the last 50 years.

And no, Bush isnt all that quick; the problem is he only trust seven or eight yes man neo-cons to run the government and set policy for the whole country.
yes it's to prevent evil guy from ruling fforever and to prevent nice guy from becoming evil

Actually it was to prevent Democrats from being President for too long. The Republicans were not happy that Roosevelt had 4 terms (dying before the last one really got into swing). It screwed them over when they wanted Reagan to continue being President though.

As for who's going to run and who will win? I don't care, the American and Western Goverments in general are in such shambles I don't think it matters. All of the leaders that we can have in this time are all figure-heads for other interests, whether you believe it may be secret societies, corporations, special interest groups, etc.

Hell, we'd be better off with keeping Bush in office, at least we know the extent of damage that he is able to do.

I used to like John McCain but he's simply a liar and a turn-coat, much like the Republican version of John Kerry. He lacks integrity and rides whichever bandwagon that's going to make him popular. As of now, I believe there is no good choices for 2008.
American voters are ready for change and no matter who runs as the
figurehead, male or female, if it is time for a change, then there will be change.
gatedropper said:
American voters are ready for change and no matter who runs as the
figurehead, male or female, if it is time for a change, then there will be change.
acknowledging the need for change is not the same as making change happen... kinda like how realizing you're hungry isn't really the same as eating
acknowledging the need for change is not the same as making change happen... kinda like how realizing you're hungry isn't really the same as eating

No matter who runs it will be a change. Even if it is the lesser of two evils.
American voters vote their pocketbooks and many blindly follow suit.
With the vote percentages of more or less 50/50 we will have a change without realizing it. When you do start eating, you are hungry and eating at the same time. I don't think the Republicans will nominate a Bush Clone.