primarily for americans, but

ok, i think i figured out one of the reasons we were pulling Kerry higher than Dean: i think maybe they score Dean as categorically anti-war because that's the stance he presented during the Iraq war, while the truth is he's as warry as the next guy unless it's politically beneficial to his opponent.

Kerry spoke out against the Iraq war for the same dumb reasons, but he did actually vote for it anyway. so when i noted that i didn't have any problem, politically, with unilateral U.S. military action, i think it dropped me in the Kerry camp and downscored Dean unjustifiably.
kucinich is intrigueing but not the least bit electable.

or delectable.

and in further ohio political news,

has filed his papers to run for congress.
meh. (minus 3rd party gunk)

1. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (100%) Click here for info
2. Kucinich, Cong. Dennis, OH - Democrat (97%) Click here for info
3. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (96%) Click here for info
4. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (92%) Click here for info
5. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol IL - Democrat (88%) Click here for info
6. Lieberman Senator Joe CT - Democrat (85%) Click here for info
7. Gephardt, Cong. Dick, MO - Democrat (85%) Click here for info
8. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (80%) Click here for info
9. Graham, Senator Bob, FL - Democrat (72%) Click here for info
10. Bush, George W. - US President (17%) Click here for info
holy shit avi you HATE gwb!

i think it rated me higher on bush because i voted Yes on stuff like private-school vouchers, an issue which I have no clue why other egalitarian-minded liberals don't support.
propaganda. poor kids should have an equal chance to attend mid-level-expense private schools as middle-class kids whose parents can afford a couple thousand bucks a year in tuition.