The Ozzman
Melted by feels
Yes. Rudy is nothing besides 9/11.
I'd rather have a intelligent woman than a moronic man any day.
Once again I think Necuratul is correct on the political issues. You have to take everything a politician does and says cynically. Hillary, even with all her faults, I think is the best candidate who has a chance. She is intelligent and strong. I wouldn't mind Obama or Ron Paul though. The three people I do not want to see are Rudy, because he is a terrible leader who happened to gain fame, the Law & Order guy, and Mitt Romney, who callously used Massachusetts. He takes changing his views in order to win to the extreme. He pretended to be liberal enough to get elected here, and now is pretending to be conservative enough to get elected president.
Why don't you want Fred Dalton Thompson? Would his campaign be because he's just running on the popularity of a TV series?