Prettiest Women at PP5

We can all take turns trying to lace up each other's corsets, damn this is so, so what's the word "southern", just like in Gone with the Wind!

Here's my corset problem, I'm petite, with boobs and no waist. So for me I run out of stomach area to button/lace, yet my "cups runneth over" (lol).

Life just sucks when you are 4'11" tall.
MetalRose said:
Yeah, it's just that the boning isn't as thick as it should be for a woman of my, uh, size. But I still wear it with pride....

So who else is up for a Corset day next year?


If that's the case, check out gallery serpentine @ She has several different styles of boning she uses, and it's australian dollars, so a bit cheaper than it would be here.
Gallery Serpentine has beautiful stuff - I've had 'em bookmarked for ages. Every six months or so I go rummaging through sites like that to see if there's anything new that isn't too foofy or outrageously expensive... (I like Voller's too, but that's a lot of money for a once or twice a year thing!)
thedelicateflower said:
...ummm...i wouldn't mind wearing one...but, i am not cleavage-gifted...(i tried one on at a renaissance faire once and the woman was showing me how to make the cleavage)'s tuff being me.... :erk:

Well, sweetie, I have the same "no cleavage" problem...I only buy bras by Victoria's Secret or WonderBra. They work!
LuCinda said:
Well, sweetie, I have the same "no cleavage" problem...I only buy bras by Victoria's Secret or WonderBra. They work!

...i can't even buy bras from victoria's secret...and i don't like padded-type ones either (tried them and they are not comfy for me), so i just go for the camisoles...
thedelicateflower said:
...i can't even buy bras from victoria's secret...and i don't like padded-type ones either (tried them and they are not comfy for me), so i just go for the camisoles...
It's the age-old question... comfort or cleavage. I have a favorite bra (Vassaretta padded push-up) that I think strikes a nice balance--I have 3 of them, actually. K-Mart, $10.99. That said, however, I also have a cami or two that are extremely comfortable for those days I don't care about cleavage. However, I am built like a boy (no real discernable waist between ribs & hips), so I *need* the boobage. lol
thedelicateflower said:
...i can't even buy bras from victoria's secret...and i don't like padded-type ones either (tried them and they are not comfy for me), so i just go for the camisoles...

Same here. The problem here is that I have a very wide ribcage (amazon girl), and designers tend to assume that anyone that's over a 38 must have gargantuan boobs that require full coverage, seams across the middle, double-wide straps, and triple hooks. I don't NEED that much support - I just need an extra inch or two in the elastic!

grawr. Damn designers.
lady_space said:
It's the age-old question... comfort or cleavage. I have a favorite bra (Vassaretta padded push-up) that I think strikes a nice balance--I have 3 of them, actually. K-Mart, $10.99. That said, however, I also have a cami or two that are extremely comfortable for those days I don't care about cleavage. However, I am built like a boy (no real discernable waist between ribs & hips), so I *need* the boobage. lol

The other problem with a lot of designs are that people tend to think that girls with large boobs are either 1. VERY large in other places or 2. VERY fake. Although I'm not a stick, I'm not a size 18 either. It's frustrating.

jaimek said:
Same here. The problem here is that I have a very wide ribcage (amazon girl), and designers tend to assume that anyone that's over a 38 must have gargantuan boobs that require full coverage, seams across the middle, double-wide straps, and triple hooks. I don't NEED that much support - I just need an extra inch or two in the elastic!

grawr. Damn designers.

You can buy those at a sewing store. They do sell extensions. :)

And it sounds like me with jeans. For women, if you're as scrawny as me, they somehow think that you're 6'.
Well I think Melanie was very cool and I am glad I got to meet her.
My kind of girl for sure, likes metal and is a musician. Doesn't look at me strange when I mention band names, you know that usual " what the hell is that ? " look that people give me when I mention some of the music I like. :tickled:
I feel your pain, Jaime...being a fellow amazon. I also have the worst time trying to find jeans that fit properly. I have big hips and a ghetto booty so most jeans tend to gap really badly in the back. I tried on one pair and didn't even have to bend over to get plumber's crack ;)

As for corset day next year, I'm up for that, for sure! as long as someone can help with the laces, lol.

freakchylde said:
You can buy those at a sewing store. They do sell extensions. :)

You've clearly never seen me try to wield a needle. *g* It's best if I don't ever try to alter clothes... and the sewers in my family are nowhere near at hand.

At least guys can buy jeans specific to their waist size and inseam. Women are all corralled into one size. I praise the powers that brought low-rise jeans into style, because I, like Alicia, don't have standard waist-to-hip-and-ass proportions: pants that fit my waist get stuck in my ass, and pants that fit my hips gap at the waist. Pants that sit on my navel generally fixes most of those problems.

Being long-waisted gives me a little trouble with corsets, too, because what you see on the model is generally an inch shorter on me, which can throw off the fit. Ahhh, to have three hundred bucks for a custom...

I'm a designer's nightmare, really. Alicia is the only other woman I've met who has essentially the same build I do. We keep swearing we're going to open a clothing store for Women Who Really ARE Big Boned, Goddammit. (I'm 5'8 and I wear size 11 wide, 12 in boots, if that tells you anything.)
freakchylde said:
No needle necessary, they have hook and eyes that connect to the ones on the bra.

Really? o.O I have a couple on which those would be awful handy... amazing how much bras can vary even within one size - within the same brand/model, even!