Prismatic Sphere, About the Democrats

This is the most disgusting paragraph.

"It didn't have to be this way," he said. "We wouldn't have to be providing these billions of dollars to these countries to ... coerce them or bribe them to send their troops in, if we'd done it the right way, if we'd gone to the United Nations (news - web sites), if we had built an international constituency."

Only a repugnant statist like Teddy Kennedy would look at money as a tool of force and ignore that that's what government is. Only a collectivist idiot like him would say, "We couldn't help it, we're the good guys" or "We had no choice, it's really the people who we're representing when we go along with this; therefore it isn't our fault". This malcontent "nanny-state" advocate actually wants to play innocent when it was HE who went along with these directives, as if all the other members of the majority party held a gun to his and all his other democrat minions' heads. Only this socialist blowhard would try to pretend that it would be done differently and all the more nobler if it was done through the U.N.- gimme a fucking break. As if it'd be less expensive or less intrusive to pass the buck over. And an international constituency would be the final nail in Washington's and Jefferson's coffins.
This crypto-Soviet needs to pull a Jesse Helms and get the fuck out of the Senate and go practice his didactic covert communist rhetoric at the other school of mystical thought(Helms' being a church): a forum for looters and parasites.
Kennedy has alot of nerve. Of, course this is the same guy who drunkingly drove his car into the water killing the female passanger who was riding with him and completely got away with it, no remorse whatsoever. The Kennedys are nothing more than murdering, alcoholic, womanizing assholes who made their fortune in dirty mafia money. The press and liberals everywhere treat these people like fuckin royalty. What a joke.

All this Iraq bullshit the liberals are crying about will eventually bite them in the ass. People are dying while serving there country and liberals everywhere are telling these service people that what thery're doing out there is a waste of time. With exception to Joe Leiberman, of course, who is the only Dem who doesn't come across as being a hate mongering slime. Thats real nice for the families who have lost loved ones over there to have to listen to the Dems politicise a war of all fuckin' things. The same Dems who gave their support to Bush when he sent troops over and began the war effort. Lets not forget how these asswipes supported the Pres. when it looked good for them to do so. It's nothing more than politics. You would have to be some kind of jackass to think that they were actually sincere on this stance against the war effort, and even more of a jackass to blindly echo it. It's just politics, plain and simple. The war is an excuse to pit themselves against the President, they're just going to wind up pitting themselves against the vast majority of the American people. Democrats have lost there power, so the desperate struggle to regain it ensues. They'll try to do what they do best, divide the people against one another, but I got to beleive that this time they will fail.
Nightwing said:
It certainly doesn't seem so........mind you, he probably thinks Bush is managing your economy well too..........
Funny, they actually discovered that the recession ended 2 years ago, and the economy is rebounding quite nicely at the moment. I am making the most money I ever have and was finally able to purchase first home and got an interest rate of 5%.

Of course, you don't live in this country so you don't really know what the fuck you are talking about in the first place.
You know, come to think of it I don't remember Republicans critisizing any of the military efforts Clinton led us into while he was in office. Not even the amazing failure in Somolia or the bombing of a Sudanese aspirin factory. Funny that the Dems kept silent as well. Pure hypocricy. It seems to me that the 'Pubs have a certain grace and a sense of decency that te Democrats are lacking.
OK, well I'll say that what the soldiers are doing over there is a waste of time, not to mention a waste of money and a waste of human life. And I'm not a Democrat. You think it's disgusting that the Dems are politicizing a war - I think it's fucking obscene that the Reps have politicized the loss of 3,000 lives on 9/11 to ram through legislature that has the potential to turn the US into a fucking police state. I think it's sick that this war was staged in part as a supposed reaction to those attacks, when there was no evidence to support Iraq's involvement with Al Quaeda in any way. And if you think that the Reps won't use the war for political purposes come election time, you might as well have been born yesterday.

And guess what - I did plenty of bitching about Clinton's idiotic (yet suspiciously well-timed) military adventures, and I had plenty of company. Politics is politics, and the Republicans are just as guilty of it as the Democrats, but you've got to realize that not being one doesn't automatically make someone the other.
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oh yeah, the recession ended 2 years ago-musta been on 9-11 :rolleyes: generally if your continually employed youre makeing more money than you ever have before-it doesnt mean your money goes any farther. anybody who makes 50 cents an hour more than they did last year with a 40 hour workweek is still going to have less money than last year just paying for gas to get to work.

with jr bush we have the biggest umemployment rate since before ww2. he has increased the deficit more than any president in history-with his partys budget even. he is the only modern political leader to win a war and have it hurt the economy instead of boister it. he is the only commander in chief in history to ever fail in his duty to protect the mainland US. he was only elected by 426 votes and his brother had to help him get those. only chance he has of being reelected is if the dems get somebody as retarded as gore... but they probably will!

americans arent dieing in iraq defending our country. iraq isnt part of the US-at least not yet! americans are dieing in iraq defending bushs political agenda-regaining control of the bush family oilfields that prescott bush lost when his assets were frozen by the house of reps for unamerican activitys for selling nazi's oil and after ww2 he had no legal recourse to regain his property in the new countries-but any mideastern country agreeing to honor US policys means that they are open to being sued for 60 years of lost oil profit...

ducky said republicans are just as guilty as the democrats-thats the smartest thing said on this thread. they are 2 sides to the same coin. they put out their partison bullshit to get people to blame one side or the other in the hopes that people dont recognise that both sides have been screwing up the country for decades and we dont have a 2 party system-we have 1 party with 2 names.

republican, democrat, consertive, liberal if you consider yourself any of those and you like to have these political discussions it means one thing-youre a big mouthed blow hard that likes to bitch and moan but wants everything to stay exactly the same.
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possessed said:
You know, come to think of it I don't remember Republicans critisizing any of the military efforts Clinton led us into while he was in office. Not even the amazing failure in Somolia or the bombing of a Sudanese aspirin factory. Funny that the Dems kept silent as well. Pure hypocricy. It seems to me that the 'Pubs have a certain grace and a sense of decency that te Democrats are lacking.

Because conservatives aren't as hypocritical as the democrats are, in my observations.

Funny, I thought the part of the article that was the best was DeLay quoting Kerry 'And he said it was "disturbing that Democrats have spewed more hateful rhetoric at President Bush then they ever did at Saddam Hussein..."'

Why is that so true? Guess with the likes of Bill the Liar Rapist, Kennedy the Prostitute Drowner, Gore the Multimillionaire, Feinstein the armed anti-gun vigilante and their likes, saying one thing and doing another, and not being held responsible for either is a good thing :err:
xenophobe said:
Because conservatives aren't as hypocritical as the democrats are, in my observations.

Why is that so true? Guess with the likes of Bill the Liar Rapist, Kennedy the Prostitute Drowner, Gore the Multimillionaire, Feinstein the armed anti-gun vigilante and their likes, saying one thing and doing another, and not being held responsible for either is a good thing :err:
Well actually you hit the nail right on the head. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. In short, I'm no demopublican. But you're right, the left are far more hypocritical than the right. When Clinton made all of his war-making moves and unconstitutionally criminal activities, the Republicans kept silent and do you know why? Because they aided and abetted every one of his moves because it was purely politics. But they shot themselves in the foot though by not going after him for any of those things and instead going after him because he got blown by an ugly intern cream-puff.

But what the Democrats are doing is far worse. They went along and voted for The Patriot Act. They went along and supported his fucking corporate bailouts. They went along and supported funding for the War On Terror at the President's clear discretion- going after terrorists and those who harbor them. Yes it's politics. But anybody who claims that Iraq doesn't fall into either of those two categories is further proof for Johnny Depp's claim that America is stupid. But are the Democrats keeping silent about their accomplicing? Oh no, they act like they're the victims for christs sakes(when they've help to victimize us all)! Like they had no choice when it came time to vote on these proposals. I can't think of a hypocrisy more disgusting than that- utterly fucking a nation over and than playing party politics, victim, and pretend all at the same time. Yeah, I'm sure Bush, Cheney, Ashecroft, and Condoleeza Rice all held a Colt Python to the Democrat's heads. If they're not culpable, then I'm the Trix Rabbit.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party can get away with it and they have more immunity than the right. Not only because of the media and press. But solely because, there will always be a market for a party who promises a free lunch; but there won't always be a market for a party who says, "Sure we'll take some of your money, but the Democrats will take even more!"

I put it this simply to myself: A typical Democrat wants to be your mother; to nurture you, to make sure you are well "provided for" and "taken care of", to want to always help those in need. A typical Republican wants to be your father; to instill the right values in you, to teach you right from wrong, respect, and the value of money.

But I don't want to be the eternal ragdoll in an endless custody battle over who thinks they can run my life better. What always happens in these divorce disputes? The child is either left with one or the other and this inevitably leads to broken values, broken homes. But did it ever occur to these despots that I AM NOT A CHILD?!? That we are not their children to be traded and counted? In reality, historically and originally they are ours! How could that lop-sided skew of a hypocrisy happen you wonder?!? By this horrendous acceptance of that doctrine: by people going along with the premise that we're their children and that the really important stuff should be decided by them- our betters. That they know whats best for us.

NEWS FLASH: They don't care what you want. And as long as you have the capacity to think, you can run your own life better than anybody else; because only you know what it is you value. Until we can unlearn that corrosive child mentality outlined above and learn to think for ourselves; mankind will continue to suffer and only further tyranny and infantalism will prosper. But you'd better think of a way out fast, because your time is running out.
Yes, I'm an independent, I'm very conservative on some issues and very liberal on others. There is no "party" that suits my desires, and the two major, Democratic and Republican parties hate each other just as much as they need each other to stay in power. As long as one of them is in power, it's okay, because both parties know they will ALWAYS share the power together.

As far as hypocritcal actions, the republicans mostly do represent corporate America, though they aren't the pollution mongerers that the left would have the uninformed believe. Hunters and fishers pay, with licensing and tags, as well as donations for MOST of the maintenance that Federal Public lands use to hire game wardens, that track the population of wildlife, and help to maintain the balance of the land.

ANYWAYS, the left would have you believe that they stand for the poor, weak, defenseless and undertrodden minorities when in fact protecting the parties' ties to export big business, the labor unions, trial lawyers and a whole lot of corruption and could truly care less what homeless gay minorites really want or believe in.

Proof of that is so obvious, but since most true liberals are quite unmoved by fact and truth that they don't see that Willie Brown has done nothing in his tenure as mayor of SF to forward their agenda, accept to line his pockets and spend all the money that SF had, let alone take care of the growing homelss problems, etc... ad nausem...

Just profile ANY major Democrat, Kennedy, Leiberman, Feinstein, Clinton, etc, and see how closely rooted they really are to the supposed "values" of the people that they supposedly represent, and you'll see that it's all just a big game of bullshit. Think Diane or slick Willy really cares that some homeless crack mom can't find food for her baby? :lol:

It's a sick joke. The left are FAR more guilty of manipulating their constituency than the right, and like true democrats, they fail to see the light, even when it's facing them and blinding their vision.
The problem with liberal bullshit politics is that it's always predicated upon some disaster. That's why they always create these "lifeboat" situations as plausable anologies to further their cause: "What if your boatman was drowning, what if you only had enough food for one of you, what if there was a sick child..." etc. Someone always has to be suffering. Which is why these double parasites who live off of the blood of the rich and the sores of the poor thrive off of the word "victim" and why they specialize in keeping people of cultural demographics separate and keeping them "poor". I honestly don't know what the liberal democrats would do or would be without the words "poor" and "victim". (How about growing the fuck up and leaving us the fuck alone?)

Now the Republicans as I've mentioned above have lost their reason for existing. There is no unfudgeable line anymore between the two. The only homage given to your freedom by conservative politicians today is through lip service and 4th of July speeches. As someone put it, "Trying to tell the difference between the left and the right today is like trying to tell the difference between the Yankees and the Mets". And I don't care for the term "Fiscally conservative and socially liberal" either. Conservatives can be every bit as bumbling, conniving, and hypocritical as liberals and vice versa. It was said earlier, one hand washes the other. And I don't care for the word "liberal" either. In the 18th and 19th centuries that word used to mean people who actually cared about liberty and individual rights. Now because of pukes like Teddy Kennedy et al who have punified the term, that word more closely resembles the word statist or collectivist.
Both sides support the ga-trillion dollar budget we have for whatever reason.
Both sides support the Patriot Act, despite what some knee-jerk coy lefty in a corner might say about civil liberties.
Both sides support the Drug War which is now an appendage to the War On Terror which they both also supported and together are the worst attack ever on our individual liberty and personal privacy.
Where will it end?

In short, the demopublicans have stripped us of our rights and are doing it more line by line as they've also made their bed in the Middle East and now they have to lie in it and convince us of just one more reason to bleed us dry and fill their coffers. All I know is that they(the government) can take what they want from me by force since their every move is backed by it and since their every directive is made so ultimately by the muzzle of a gun. Since government IS force. But I will NEVER willingly offer them my consent or give them or any other nanny-state advocate the satisfaction of pretending that any one of their actions resembles anything close to amiable.
xenophobe said:
Funny, I thought the part of the article that was the best was DeLay quoting Kerry 'And he said it was "disturbing that Democrats have spewed more hateful rhetoric at President Bush then they ever did at Saddam Hussein..."'

I thought that was weak and pathetic myself - the only response they have to reasonable criticism is the usual deflecting crap. Why don't they actually try to answer some of the criticism instead of trying to stoke up this kind of bullshit all the time?
xenophobe said:
Yes, I'm an independent, I'm very conservative on some issues and very liberal on others. There is no "party" that suits my desires, and the two major, Democratic and Republican parties hate each other just as much as they need each other to stay in power. As long as one of them is in power, it's okay, because both parties know they will ALWAYS share the power together.

As far as hypocritcal actions, the republicans mostly do represent corporate America, though they aren't the pollution mongerers that the left would have the uninformed believe. Hunters and fishers pay, with licensing and tags, as well as donations for MOST of the maintenance that Federal Public lands use to hire game wardens, that track the population of wildlife, and help to maintain the balance of the land.

ANYWAYS, the left would have you believe that they stand for the poor, weak, defenseless and undertrodden minorities when in fact protecting the parties' ties to export big business, the labor unions, trial lawyers and a whole lot of corruption and could truly care less what homeless gay minorites really want or believe in.

Proof of that is so obvious, but since most true liberals are quite unmoved by fact and truth that they don't see that Willie Brown has done nothing in his tenure as mayor of SF to forward their agenda, accept to line his pockets and spend all the money that SF had, let alone take care of the growing homelss problems, etc... ad nausem...

Just profile ANY major Democrat, Kennedy, Leiberman, Feinstein, Clinton, etc, and see how closely rooted they really are to the supposed "values" of the people that they supposedly represent, and you'll see that it's all just a big game of bullshit. Think Diane or slick Willy really cares that some homeless crack mom can't find food for her baby? :lol:

It's a sick joke. The left are FAR more guilty of manipulating their constituency than the right, and like true democrats, they fail to see the light, even when it's facing them and blinding their vision.

What a load of crap.

It's a fact that the people benefitting the most from Bush being in power are those that already have plenty of money - everyone else is losing left, right and centre. And don't try to kid yourself you aren't one part or the other - it's very very obvious you are a stalwart republican overall.

The real sick joke is the most of the idiots who vote for the republican party would be financially much better off under a democrat government.
HAHAHA Prismatic Sphere...I was thinking the whole time I read that...Man this guy should go Libertarian...then I see the reference in your signature. Are you planning on joining the proposed mass migration to New Hampshire to gain a seat in the Senate or House. It really is a shame that 3rd parties basically have little to no chance to get their views out, let alone get elected. Now I am not going to choose sides...yet...since this is much too interesting too have another join the fray. Now for some questions...which side (left or right for simplicities sake) has the more vitriolic speakers?
Rainking said:
What a load of crap.

It's a fact that the people benefitting the most from Bush being in power are those that already have plenty of money - everyone else is losing left, right and centre. And don't try to kid yourself you aren't one part or the other - it's very very obvious you are a stalwart republican overall.

The real sick joke is the most of the idiots who vote for the republican party would be financially much better off under a democrat government.
And who do you think the people were that reaped the rewards of the Clinton Administration? The homeless, the poor, the minorites? :lol: Clinton and his buddies lined their pockets, giving all the govnerment contracts to their friends, used the IRS to audit everyone, and pardoned hundreds of felons and giving out favors to all the big energy companies like Enron.

A stalwart republican? :lol: I'm pro-choice, I could care less about gay marriage, I'm anti-big business and think the rich don't deserve a tax break, I don't think that religion should be mandated in schools, I don't think we should be fighting in Iraq, Somalia, South America, Yugoslavia, South Korea, Afganistan, etc... and I think that it's all just a waste of money.

If I'm a stalwart republican, you're a little green midget who likes to molest babies in churches. :p

Thanks for not knowing me and labeling me just the same. That in iteself is quite ignorant.
possessed said:
Of course, you don't live in this country so you don't really know what the fuck you are talking about in the first place.
Piss off ever heard of satellite TV? The Internet? Being able to access newspapers from all over the world? Reading books?
Fucking dumbass. I make it my business to know as much as possible about what is going on in the US right now, because it is in all our interests that Bush be voted out of office. He is a liar and a psychopath.
Don't have the temerity to welcome Austalia's unfortunate involvement in Bush's war, and then decry a citizen of that country his comment, dickwad.
Yeah, the TV and Internet makes you a PRIME candidate for knowlege of all things USA. o_O

Like reading the paper will actually tell you how local businesses are doing better, and that the average joe schmo is actually having an easier time finding higher paying work now than they were six months ago.

Why don't you protest YOUR government about the troops IT deployed in Iraq?

And do you seriously believe Bush is as much of a habitual liar as Mr Clinton was? :lol:

Bush is a psychopath? Well, I pretty much laid out the groundwork on how Clinton was a sociopath in the other thread, maybe you could stop INSULTING people and list the reasons why you think Bush is a psychopath?