Prismatic Sphere, About the Democrats

possessed said:
Iraq was an enemy to the United States. They had a dangerous,fanatical leader who would have loved nothing more than to see the complete destuction of our country and it's people. The guy isn't in power any more and I'm pretty happy about that.

Who would have thought some old man living in a cave would have accomplished the destuction he had done? I'm sure this old man living in a cave seemed far from being an imminent threat to the United States, had even less resourses than Saddam, but guess what? He is!

I don't beleive in the boogeyman either. However, I don't underestimate the havoc these people can cause on our shores and abroad after seeing what I have seen. Driven purely on the hatred they have for the people in this country and our way of life.
Iraq was also on ally to the United States. Our habit of turning our backs on our 'friends' (and in Iraq's case, setting them up for a fall) is probably a pretty big reason we're looked on with distrust and hatred by an alarmingly large number of the world's population. Does this justify flying planes into civilian targets? Of course not. But it's not smart to make enemies and then ignore the warning signs that something is going down. And it's well documented that there were plenty of warnings leading up to 911.
Nightwing said:
Your own Government did it's utmost to link Saddam to 9/11 pal.......I will find the poll I mentioned, and post it in due course.
Okay, make up your mind, most Americans think that, or the government tried to make everyone think that? The latter IS correct. BUT, the French are the ones who provided documentation to the British that supported this.

Well you wouldn't mention the RECORD deficit would you?? Of course you wouldn't. But yeah, I'm sure that despite all the oinfo in the seven or eight links I posted, plus a deficit that will run into Trillions in a few years, everything is hunky dory.
The record deficeit (National Debt) didn't actually decrease any during Clinton's term, it increased. Get your facts straight. :p


. Well Rumsfeld said they knew where they were pal. They were a 'direct and imminent' threat......and yet the 'Iraqi survey group' led by Bush's pal David Kay, who have had the run of the country for 4 months now, are postponing their so-called report - perhaps indefinitely. Also Blix and his team found fuck all - about what you'd find between Bush's ears......still......"Feels good" eh?
If you are one of the morons who actually believed Iraq could threaten the US with any weapons, there's no point debating the phantom WMD's with you.
Phantom WMD? The UN catalogued and verified that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons a decade later. The fact that they have not been found means nothing. There has been no proof that any of it was EVER destroyed.

Why don't you find THAT proof and shove it in people's faces. If it did exist, Saddam would most certainly been making the UN and America eat that proof.

? Not particularly, no. At least that action wasn't taken unilaterally, whilst sidelining the UN, labelling it 'irrelevant', and saying 'fuck you' to any countries who dodn't want to support it.......unlike BUsh, who did all those things, and now has the gall to ask the UN for help.......
Regardless of WHO approved it, it's still mass bombing and death and destruction. You should pick one side of the fence and stick to it, not change which side you want to be on when it suits your fancy.

Carpet bombing Yugoslavia was REALLY important, yeah. They provided a much more imminent threat. :rolleyes:

Oh now, that really hurts. Follow your own advice, you fucking drip. BUSH LIED. BLAIR LIED HOWARD LIED. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!
We are poles apart on this.....I don't see a need to continue arguing with someone who, in the face of an avalanche of evidence to the contrary, still insists that he is somehow right........sounds a bit like BUsh himself, actually.
Evidence to the contrary? :lol: You've given nothing but your personal opinion, as I have mine. Though you keep insisting that you're right and I'm wrong doesn't make it so. Your facts are nothing more than opinion, the fact that you don't realize this is sad.
**sigh** we all know Iraq HAD WMD's you dickhead.......what is in question is whether they had them in feb 2003.......which they do not appear to.
I'm not choosong sides, if there must be a war, at least let's have it agreed to by most nations on Earth, unlike Bush's farce. You are being argumentative in a stupid way, and it is clear to everyone and anyone that only the people who plan on voting for more of the neo-con nightmare believe anything you are trying to say.
Here's that poll BTW;

Honestly, I'm done with you - anyone who still supports Bush and the Iraq hoax after everything that has just not worth my time.

possessed said:
At Nightwing:

Unlike your shithole BTW which is made up primarily of an ancestry of criminals who were exciled from Britain.

Exciled?? What is 'exciled'????

Where do you think the population of America came from you idiot?
The French freed you from British colonial rule.........
possessed said:
And yet 80% (save the guerilla warriors) of Iraqis support a US occupancy, do in fact desire the American way of life. Funny that.

:lol: Jesus, Fox has a lot to answer for..........tens of thousands of people are fighting to free their country from an occupying force, and this is what people are being fed?? Christ.........
The saddest part about Bush's actions in invading Iraq is how it has so divided the world.
We, like thousands of others all over the net, fight and argue bitterly about what's right and what's wrong, whether or not Iraq was a threat, or not, insulting and belittling each other in the process, and so on......I am really tired of it all.
I don't have the energy to argue with people who think Iraq was some kind of threat, or people that think Bush is somehow now defending your country by bombing other countries, even though despite ample warning and intelligence reports of men learning to fly jets but not learning how to take off and land, he couldn't stop 2 airliners from flying into the WTC - one of them even flew right over an air force base!!
You have a record deficit (I NEVER actually said there wasn't a deficit under Clinton) record unemployment, a military that is stretched to the limit, with once staunchly patriotic military familes forming lobby groups like 'Bring themHome' in Bush's have a guerilla war that will likely escalate, resulting in more body bags for US servicemen, and you have a President who, after labelling the UN 'irrelevant' and 'ineffectual' is now asking that same organisation for help to clean up the mess he has made.
Many people, like myself, for example, who had enormous sympathy for the US after 9/11, now have none at all, and thanks to Bush's recklessness and worrying behaviour, see America as an international pariah.
We have even seen the unprecedented vision of troops in Iraq on one of your major networks openly criticising the Commander in chief and his 'Defence' secretary Rumsfeld in anger and frustration.
And still no WMD's, the Original pretext for war, have been found, with the Iraqi Survey Group now postponing it's report perhaps indefinitely.
The Taliban are beginning to regroup in Afghanistan, and have recaptured some small villages, and reportedly are holding four, possibly more US soldiers prisoner - meanwhile, heroin production in the country is back on track.........if after all this anyone still believes that Bush and his neo-cons are somehow, someway, doing a good job, and are right in any way, then I suggest you need more help than anyone can offer on a music bulletin board.
I wish you well. I hope and pray you think carefully about your vote next year.
I'm done with this thread.