unus spiritus est
Originally posted by rahvin @wildfyr: in the remote chance you're actually expecting an answer, i'd say that while dt have next to no voice in deciding where they're going to play, they surely can choose their setlist themselves. moreover, there are 7 albums one could "whine" about liking to hear live, but there are +800 millions cities in this world one could "whine" about wanting to see dt in.[/B]
thanks. answers are not expected but they are certainly welcome.
re: whine/whining. i'm a connoisseur fine whines. i tasted your first post and spat it back out.

i suppose i could try to argue that whining is whining regardless, but i won't. i don't feel like getting into it. instead, perhaps we should discuss why (we think) some bands don't include certain songs in their set lists anymore, or ever? as Ormir has pointed out it was possible that Shadow Duet could have been played on the last U.S. tour, and in 1999 for that matter. possible, however not a reality. possible, but not probable?
i've posed similar questions on the In Flames forum in the past and have received some interesting responses. i think the last time this sort of thing came up the issue was acoustic parts not being performed live.
in short, i noticed you're still not getting over having been told you were whining (not by me, btw), but i assure you it's like me being a dwarf: in time you'll get used to it.
what's this about getting over something? was there some mountain i needed to scale? my whine's been effective, i don't need to get over anything. =)
heh. yeah right. ;-)