Pro Tools for MAudio

This is a smart move for DigiDesign. However, I hope that this doesn't take their monopoly any further. Their proprietary tactics are pure evil.
Kazrog said:
This is a smart move for DigiDesign. However, I hope that this doesn't take their monopoly any further. Their proprietary tactics are pure evil.

In no way am I trying to start the mac vs. pc arguement (no eurodesks headed my way!), but isn't it the same proprietary tactic that apple uses? After all, OSx will run on an intel chip. RADAR sells you the whole computer, but I think that it has more to do with design integration between software and hardware than anything else.Same thing with apple. Same with digidesign.

I think most of the hatred of the digidesign "monopoly" stems from the fact that they are an industry standard and can avoid most pirating by using proprietary hardware for the software.

They are only a monopoly b/c that's what people buy, not for lack of strong competitors in both hardware and software.

This is in no way an attack on you kazrog (hope it doesn't seem that way), b/c I probably would use different hardware w/ LE if given the option.....but, I have a choice and could always run a different software if I chose.
Here's my stance...

Apple is a company that upholds quality and makes everything that they do above and beyond the rest of the industry. This earns them the right to be proprietary. :)

Digidesign, on the other hand, "introduces" features into its buggy Pro Tools bundleware about 1-2 years behind the competition, and their hardware is notoriously overpriced, while bringing no advantages over most other digital audio hardware on the market.

The reason why they are the "standard" is BECAUSE their products cost more - which increases the perceived value to the consumers, especially large studios that are used to paying tons of money for their setups. I'm not saying you can't make great recordings with Pro Tools, obviously it's done all the time. Ultimately it's all in the hands and ears of the engineer.

My fear is that DigiDesign will edge out and marginalize the competition to such an extent that the progress of the software will be slowed to even more of a crawl.

All this being said, lately I spend far more time in Pro Tools than Digital Performer. My producer is a die-hard Pro Tools fanatic, and he does great work in it, so it is a lot easier for me if I stay on the same platform. I can't be alone in feeling the way I do, though... if Pro Tools truly was the best, I wouldn't be bitching about their "monopoly."
Well obviously with ProTools HD they're onto a good thing because you can take the load off your CPU and process effects outboard. That's about the only reason I can find for using Pro Tools over its competitors though.

I'm glad that they've started incorporating M-Audio hardware into their support list. I've been planning an M-Audio card for my new system but was afraid that the drawback of not being able to run ProTools would suck immensely.
Moonlapse said:
Well obviously with ProTools HD they're onto a good thing because you can take the load off your CPU and process effects outboard. That's about the only reason I can find for using Pro Tools over its competitors though.

You can do that on other DAWs with UAD-1, TC PowerCore, etc. :cool: