PRO TOOLS WITHOUT digidesign/m-audio interface?

The workflow is just great in my opinion... A lot of people disagree of course but for me, Pro Tools is absolutely king when it comes to intuitiveness and user friendliness.

And that's after starting going from Reaper to Logic then finally to PT. Everything just made more sense and seemed easier in PT compared to the other hosts I had used for the years before.
The workflow is just great in my opinion... A lot of people disagree of course but for me, Pro Tools is absolutely king when it comes to intuitiveness and user friendliness.

And that's after starting going from Reaper to Logic then finally to PT. Everything just made more sense and seemed easier in PT compared to the other hosts I had used for the years before.

I couldn't be doing with that... I assume all shortcuts are different for every DAW. Once you are set in your ways, we all know how repetitive we get doing mindless functions over and over again... Pressing F3 for the mixer or Ctrl + B for the project browser. It's these things that are now instilled with me, hence why I have never drifted from Cubase since Version 1.

I installed a new light switch outside my kitchen, it used to be inside on a pulley chord. It took me a few weeks to stop reaching for an imaginary chord! lol.

So yeah, I have no desire to switch over to Pro Tools, unless I want to have to relearn everything, buy a new interface and probably make some of my VSTs redundant.

I guess having the ability to work between different DAWs if you're a pro is good, but I can only see it as a hinderance if you're just using it for yourself. Better the devil you know, and all that...
So can someone please tell me why ProTools is so special then?

I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, I'm just genuinely curious...

It's not compatible with "standard" audio interfaces and it doesn't host VSTs.

Why is ProTools used everywhere?

* And it looks ugly too. I know that shouldn't really be too much of a concern, but, well, you gotta admit Logic or Cubase looks way prettier.

Different strokes for different folks. If you hate it's looks and can't deal with the lack of VST compatibility, then it probably isn't for you. For me and a whole bunch of other guys it's the DAW of choice, and when you walk into a commercial studio, odds are they're running a ProTools setup. Simple as that, no need for further debate.
Lack of support for VST is one of pro tools strong points IMO.

The reason I thought this was just going to be pro tools LE without hardware restrictions was due to talk of add ons for higher track counts.

Just speculating of course.

I can't wait to see what happens next week either. Truthfully if they released HD without hardware restrictions, the amount I was willing to fork would go up. But I stick to my statement, cubase from version to version is usually $100-150, if I'm not getting that much more in upgrading from 8 to 9 I won't bother. Pro Tools LE7 to 8 was only $50 if I recall right. I think HD was only $150 (or 250 can't remember) to go from 7 to 8.
I am so excited for PT9. 002/003/m-audio interface owners: have you had any thoughts about what interface to upgrade to (if the hardware independent rumours are true)?
I am so excited for PT9. 002/003/m-audio interface owners: have you had any thoughts about what interface to upgrade to (if the hardware independent rumours are true)?

This opens such a new world interface-wise I'm not sure at all. I've been thinking about RME HDSP + Lynx Aurora 16 if I end up getting a new computer, or maybe a FF800 + Lynx Aurora 16, or maybe an SSL Alphalink solution... GAH!
For the first time ever, I'm really interested in PT (9!). I love Logic but I'm always willing to learn a new DAW which suits my workflow better.
I won't pay more than 1000€, though. I have to use ProTools at school, so I more or less need to buy at least some version.. don't want the shitty MBox, though.
It'd just feel good to be PT compatible. If I won't like it better than Logic, that is... I know a bunch of guys using Logic+ProTools and loving the combination.
you know it'll be something along those lines

why would they sell you just a piece of software when they can force you to purchase $10k+ of hardware with it??
Because they're missing out on the whole mid-level market. Who have made it very clear that they would pay for a version of PT with no hardware limitations and ADC.
I'm fairly optimistic as well. If they drop the hardware requirements and ad ADC I may perma jump ship (I have 8 now, and almost never use it).

Oh and the upgrade cost would have to be acceptable. Not willing to pay more than $150 to upgrade.
I doubt it's going to be that cheap. I reckon it'll be about £4-500 to compete with Cubase, Logic etc.

If it's really going be a totally open ProTools environment, I'm pretty sure you can't get an upgrade for $150, at least not the full-blown version. I think an Avid representative said they consider PT Native software to be worth $2500. And just look at the price of LE with Complete Production Toolkit :/
Yeah, CPTK has always been a complete rip off, to be honest if that's the price we're going to be looking at then I wont be upgrading. I would rather get a used HD rig.
The workflow is just great in my opinion... A lot of people disagree of course but for me, Pro Tools is absolutely king when it comes to intuitiveness and user friendliness.

And that's after starting going from Reaper to Logic then finally to PT. Everything just made more sense and seemed easier in PT compared to the other hosts I had used for the years before.
^This. I used Cubase at college for a year, then they changed to PT and I instantly found it far more intuitive.
Hmmm... They pretty much have previously stated the value of the software is in the $2500 range (the Avid guy on Gearslutz defended the new HD card by saying the cost is $3500, but he considered the software to be worth $2500).

Im interested to see what the upgrade price for LE users will be for this...
In my opinion the new PT9 independent from digi HW will cost at least 2500$. Forget to buy PT for 500$.
The reason is that they will sell PT independently, but if you will buy the digi "package" it will cost way less.... remember, they sell hardware. If PT is independet no one will buy digi hardware anymore
I am so excited for PT9. 002/003/m-audio interface owners: have you had any thoughts about what interface to upgrade to (if the hardware independent rumours are true)?

If this is all staying with my modded BLA 003. I was gonna get a new Mac just for the heck of it...i'll use that money for Pro Tools 9!!

But the RME + Aurora seems to be the best upgrade for us. well thought Jarkko

I wanna hear Lasse's opinion on this...would you stay with HD software/hardware if that's the case??
In my opinion the new PT9 independent from digi HW will cost at least 2500$. Forget to buy PT for 500$.
The reason is that they will sell PT independently, but if you will buy the digi "package" it will cost way less.... remember, they sell hardware. If PT is independet no one will buy digi hardware anymore

I could see them releasing a scaled back version for cheaper and then having tool kits available to buy to unlock certain features (ie. increased track count, etc). The scaled back version is what they would include with their interfaces.
If this is all staying with my modded BLA 003. I was gonna get a new Mac just for the heck of it...i'll use that money for Pro Tools 9!!

But the RME + Aurora seems to be the best upgrade for us. well thought Jarkko

I wanna hear Lasse's opinion on this...would you stay with HD software/hardware if that's the case??

nah, I would say:

1.Metric Halo
2.The new apogee
3.prism orpheus

This is a real chance to use the best quality available with the industry standard software....
The Apogee Symphony is a tempting system, but 6200€ for 16 I/O is something I find hard to justify for myself :/

Seriously tempting. I look at that thing everyday and have to talk myself out of it. I use two Ensembles which serve me well and I just can't justify the Symphony yet.
Because they're missing out on the whole mid-level market. Who have made it very clear that they would pay for a version of PT with no hardware limitations and ADC.

that's totally true, but offering up a version of PT with no hardware restrictions for a cheap enough price to entice the mid-level buyer is going to fuck them with the high end customers, who you're no longer guaranteed to sell shit tons of expensive interfaces to.

i think both the public and avid want a fully-featured version of PT without hardware restrictions to be out there, but finding a way to fill in the middle without vacating the top will be a challenge for them