Problem with "Monochromatic Stains" video

Deus Ex Cervisia

New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2002
Visit site

The Monochromatic Stains video on my newly bought DD CD shows no video itself but just plays the music. Do I need a special encoder for the video?
I'd be grateful if anyone could help me on how to get it to work.

Thanks in advance.
I'm afraid you will have to download quicktime..

From Century Media:
"Please Note! - We have had several inquiries about the CD-ROM video track
for the song "Monochromatic Stains" not functioning properly - however,
there are no errors or defects with the video on any copies that we have
checked. All of the problems encountered by customers so far were the
result of either incompatible system requirements, or (most often) that the
customer did not have the latest version of the Quicktime media player
installed (version 5.0 or better is required). If you do not have Quicktime
or have the old version, you can download version 6.0 for free from their

Edit: added the bolds for easier reading :)
You just need to download Quicktime 6.0 for free from the link Siren mentioned. :)
It took me two months to realize that my Quicktime 4.0 wasn't upgraded enough... I watched the video for the first time three days ago. :rolleyes:

Miolo (the genius)
welcome back, Narcoloth, we should make more Monochromatic Stains Video comments to keep you checking the forum :p my artsy friend liked it a lot
Hey Thanatos,
Yeah, I guess its the subject that of course stirs my interest. I will be more regular now, as I JUST managed to get internet connection at home again, hurray!

I wouldn't comment on DT in Greece, it hurts not being there :(
I will definitely see them in London, but the bad thing is that next day is my graduation, around 5 hours drive so I would have to sort this out :S