Andy Sneap said:Didn't slayer do this trick of cymbals separate on Hell Awaits or another early album?
Fragle said:speaking of 80s thrash records, i think it's amazing that bands like slayer didn't have a halfway decent kick drum sound until well into the 90s. the kick is just sooo buried in the mix (seriously, can you hear the kick on reign in blood?!), in contrast to early testament records which usually suffered from a really bad case of clicky "fake" kick drum, especially practice what you preachtonal opposites, really....
:zombie:kaomao said:And second thing the producers (besides the great work on Reign in blood) were really not that good!
~BURNY~ said::zombie:
Rubin and Wallace?????!!!! You may like Rubin's work or not but Andy Wallace...?
Amen~BURNY~ said:I'm not a huge Rubin fan myself but Andy Wallace was the engineer and he's like a god to me.
ConspiracyBass said:I was gonna say. I don't think Rubin actually engineered any cd he's produced.