
Barth Vader

Rise to submission
Jun 1, 2004
Cedar Rapids, IA
Hi everyone....I apologize in advance if this has been brought up before...looked thru the threads and didn't see it.

But I was wondering everyone's thoughts on the production of the new album seeing as it was produced by the band instead of Steve Wilson as in the last 3 albums.

I think it sounds great. I know some people seem to dislike Wilson for one reason or another, but I always thought the production was pretty good. I don't think the production suffers at all on the new album.

The production was good, but did anyone else feel that Mike's vocals are too produced, or whatever that word is? I feel like it's taken away from his naturally talented vocal range... it's still a beautiful voice, and his own but I don't know... does someone understand what I'm saying?
amaranth said:
The production was good, but did anyone else feel that Mike's vocals are too produced, or whatever that word is?

I must hear that at least 10 times a week from my friends about many bands they hear.

What the hell does it actually mean? Does it mean that just because the singing sounds good, that it must've been produced that way?

Maybe he just did a better job of the vocals this time round.

And how is the fact that they sound better than ever, a bad thing?
I love the effect on the verse on "By the Pain I See in Others"

But yes...could you maybe get an example of the over-produced vocals that you're talking about? Not arguing or saying you're wrong, but I just wanted something for comparison.
The pitch correction stands out a lot more on this album. Not as obvious as on Lamentations, but there are times when it's just blatant. Not saying its good or bad - I mean, no one should fault the band for doing all that they can to produce the music they hear in their heads, but still...
The production for Ghost Reveries is very well done. Two things that stand out for me are the drums and also acoustic guitars. I usually don't like overly triggered sets but I think the way they were used in the mix are great. There seems to be a great difference between the bass drum on Deliverance and Ghost Reveries, but I just can't put my fingure on what exaclty it is. As for the acoustic guitars....can't really explain too much other than they just sound very full (could be the use of the 12-string).
I don't like the drum sound on GR :(
when TGC mp3 came out then I thought that drums are awful. now, listening CD they still sound bad IMO. don't know whats wrong, but to me they sound like triggered or MIDI drums... doesn't sound natural at all :( mainly snare. toms, hats and crashes are OK.
I think the GR production is pretty decent.. while Wilson's production was *perfect* for Damnation and BWP, I don't think it would have fit the atmosphere of GR too well.

And about "produced vocals", what I think that means is using tons of effects on the voice, like.. the "In time the hissing of her sanity.." part in Ghost of Perdition, Atonement vocals, all that.

But yeah. Maybe they should have got mr Swanö to produce the album, maybe in a similar tone as Novembers Doom's Pale Haunt Departure :D
ZeDzEdZeD said:
I don't like the drum sound on GR :(
when TGC mp3 came out then I thought that drums are awful. now, listening CD they still sound bad IMO. don't know whats wrong, but to me they sound like triggered or MIDI drums... doesn't sound natural at all :( mainly snare. toms, hats and crashes are OK.

On the contrary, I think the drums sound a little more organic on Ghost Reveries.. especially the bass drums. Of course they're triggered - or at least manipulated in post - but I don't find it nearly as blatent as it was on Deliverance. I'm quite pleased how everything sounds actually.
I think what I am trying to say is that the clean vocals are *too* perfect, they feel like they have been touched up, fixed? too much...

Mike has a beautiful voice which you hear on Orchid etc, but put in comparison with this recent release it feels like it's too fake... it is a good thing and a bit of a bad thing because he has such a great voice
I think the production is good.Its well-recorded and mixed in a lot of audio channels(lines).Yes, somevocalparts have much effects etc. but its good in overall.