Profire 2626 problem... sample rate change on its own.


Jun 17, 2008
Well guys other than the blue screen crashes i get once in a while this interface is gold, but lately i been having some weird issues. Okay so i use the interface as my main audio playback for pc too, and lately the sample rate changes by itself to 48 kHz.... why does it change? For example im watching a video or something on the net and one of the profires preamp green light goes on and i get a little pop sound on speaker and i check control panel and the setting are marked to 48 kHz and wont let me change unless i reboot profire.

So the only way to change it back to 41 kHz is to turn of profire and then turn it back on and go to the profire control panel.... but any ideas why this is happening?

Also for those of u running profire on Win 7(64 bit) does the blue screen error happen there too?

By the way computer specs
Intel quad
4gb Ram
Windows Xp Sp3
I've never got a blue screen error ever with my Profire. I don't use it as my default sound card, though, so I can't help with the sample rate change deal.

The only thing I could/would theorize is that the audio encoded in the vid is 48kHz, and the unit is changing because of that.

However, I can change the sample rate on mine on the fly...Can you switch to your machines default sound card easily? If so, switch to that, THEN change the sample rate on the Profire and switch back to assigning the Profire as default...As long as it doesn't lose connection altogether, you should be OK (you don't want to hot plug the PF2626).
Hmm seems like your right. Now it lets me change the sample rate without rebooting the profire.

Never had a blue screen error... cool are you using a pc or Mac?