Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

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that's a bit of a fucking cop out of a line input. Just attenuate and chuck it through the mic pre? That's bullshit!

The profire does bypass the pres with it's line inputs which is (another) real move in its favour in terms of expandability using higher end pres without extra D/A

I've used my Profire on Vista 64bit, XP 32bit and 7 64bit. Only bluescreens i've ever had have been from accidentally knocking my firewire expresscard out and then plugging it back in, and even then it's only 1 in idk, 40 times.

Agreed. It doesn't seem any less hard to just route the line input straight to the A/D like the Profire does. Oh well, I'm way too poor for boutique pres anyhow (plus I do have a Profire as well), so this is a moot point for me at least.
Another thing, ive always used the liquid pres on the L56 since ive gotten it and those add latency themselves, forgotten the exact amount but its in the manual and ive never noticed it.


The Liquid Pre-amps on the Liquid Saffire 56 introduce 11 samples of delay to the audio stream. This is due to the Digital Signal Processing required to emulate the preamps.

Depending on the sample rate you are using, audio passed through inputs 1 and 2 will be the delayed by the following:

Sample Rate (Hz) Time Delay (milliseconds) Offset Distance (centimeters)
44100 0.25 8.56
48000 0.23 7.86
88200 0.12 4.28
96000 0.11 3.93
176200 0.062 2.14
192000 0.057 1.97

Audio recorded through the Liquid Pres can be moved forward by 11 samples in your DAW to account for the delay, however, in 'real world' recording situations the user may choose to ignore this delay.
I've got the Saffire Pro 40 and I LOVE it!! I use the ProFire 2626 at school, and it's a great interface as well. I personally prefer the sound of the pre's and converters in the Saffire, they are PRISTINE! The converters in the Saffire pro 40 are the same chip use in the Apogee Duet so anyone who tries to steer you away from a pro 40 due to lack of good converters doesn't know what they are talking about Sounds amazing, i had the choice between the ProFire2626 and Pro 40 and after trying each out in my home studio for about a week, it was a hands down SAFFIRE PRO 40!! Awesome routing software, untouchable flexibility and stability!! Pro 40 all the way!!

and no i don't work for Focusrite, I'm just a student at Full Sail in the recording arts program, no troll here, lol.