Prog Metal Bands

Green Carnation...could be considered prog, and they could be considered a decent amount of other things. They have one cd which is just a 60 minute song. Gracepoint too maybe, I've heard that called prog/technical metal. Kinda sounds more jazzy than metal, but I don't know. Green Carnation, Gracepoint, and Sun Caged have some of the most talent I've seen.
Originally posted by Armored Thrax
I would include Fates Warning with all around badass Joey Vera on Bass!!!! They are kinda a nice mix of metal and prog.

Ah, just reminiscing about one of my worst album purchases ever....I had forgot to return my Colombia House reply one month, so they sent me their "Selection of the month", which was Fates Warning. I hadn't heard of them before, but the Colombia House magazine gave this glowing review about how they were this great progressive metal band.

So I said "What the fuck...I'll keep it instead of sending it back".

Famous last words. I can't remember the album title to warn you about your own fate, but the thing was horrible. I made myself listen to it twice, because damnit, I'd paid for it. Then after a few tries, I found a used record store that was willing to give me a $2 trade-in for it, so I jumped at the opportunity.

Ah, memories. Bad memories. :lol:
I highly suggest the following bands:

Pain of Salvation (playing IS fantastic AND they have refreshing ideas... these are some of the best musicians in metal)
Symphony X
Zero Hour
People who listen to "prog" bands for the first time expecting it to sound like/ comparing it to Dream Theatre can expect to get NOWHERE in their musical forays. Maybe they're the best or whatever, but personally, I like variety in my "prog/power" catalog. From Kansas to Opeth, it's just great stuff!