ProgPower 2002


Mar 2, 2002
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Is anyone browsing through this forum going to the ProgPower in Baarlo as well?

Redelijk - will you be selling your fist two Sun Caged demos at the festival or is it better to order them over your website? Are there still any left at all (it said they were close to be sold out...)?

I am so looking forward to seeing you highly professional and awesome musicians performing live - there's no doubt you'll blow us all over; especially since your live shows have been described as being "explosive" !!

Will Rob be having his Chapman Stick with him?
(and he's not related to Gregoor by any chance?)
To answer your questions:

- Scar Winter is sold out. Disque ( had 3 or 4 copies left last week when I was in the shop. They sell about one a week I think. We don't have any left ourselves, and there will never be new copies since Scar Winter is not at all relevant anymore. There were about 150 copies made in total. It's becoming a collector's item. Those copies at Disque are your very last bet!!!
We will probably have a couple of copies of Dominion with us at ProgPower. Of Dominion, 500 copies were made. Disque has about 10 left, and so do we. We'll bring all we have to ProgPower. Probably around 8 to 12 copies. After that, it's sold out.

- Rob doesn't use his Stick on any of the Sun Caged songs that we play live. He wants to, but he's not perfectly happy with the sound, and so he's working on getting new pickups I think. So he won't have it with him I'm afraid.

- No, Gregoor and Rob are NOT related. "Van der Loo" is just a very common last-name in The Netherlands.
Originally posted by mcoenen
Madrigal :) It will be cool to see ya at Progpower, and we hope the sound and everything is right to give you a great show :)


Hey Marcel
Oh, I am sure to enjoy your gig LOTS! Especially now that I got both your demos and can get to know your tracks a little better - which always helps appreciating the music more live, too!
Although I can imagine a lot of your older stuff sounding quite different with André's vocals!

... Also how nice it was hearing Gregoor's hauntingly beautiful voice on Scar Winter! Why did he not want to become a full member of Sun Caged back then?

Looking forward to seeing you at ProgPower!

and PS.... you will have heard it a thousand times and more before, but it cannot ever be said enough: You are one hell of a guitarist! It is pure magic what you get out of this instrument and often leaves me with mouth wide open!!!
Originally posted by CrunchY
Was Dead Soul Tribe any good live?
When we played with them in Amstelveen a couple of months ago, they had been in a car for 10 hours so they were very tired. The show was still cool, but not as tight as when they played at the Dynamo festival.
The Dynamo show was very good, although the crowd wasn't much into the band, and the sound sucked :(
Hi Mattias!
We're looking forward to it too :)
Make sure you introduce yourself to us!

:) I didn't see your reply until now when I'm back home. But you found me anyway and I'm glad you did. Thanks for a great show and thanks for the CD. You sound great both on stage and in my CD player.

/Mattias.. a bit tired after 3 days of concerts and 2 days of car travel.
Originally posted by Silkie
Some greetings from Germany, was nice meeting you all.
I really enjoyed the show :)

Thanks! Glad you liked it :)
Who exactly were you? Did I meet you (sorry if I'm supposed to know.. I met so many people...)?
It was a good performance. Lots of energy. Marcel was the most impressive guitarist of the whole weekend. The new singer has a great voice.. the only problem is that he looks like an ice-hockey player instead of a metal artist :)
A live gig is always better when you know the songs and I didn't in this case, but I liked most of them anyway.

It wasn't the band I enjoyed the most on ProgPower but they were definitely on the upper half. Hard to compare them to bands like Heaven's Cry, A.C.T or Dead soul tribe, who's songs I can sing in my sleep :)

I'm sure my next Sun Cage live experience will be even better cause this band has the potential. No doubt about it.
Sun Caged at ProgPower were simply *awesome* ! Like Mattias said; a lot of energy and a very enthusiastic show. I was most amazed to see them performing their highly complex stuff with such ease and what seemed no effort at all - instead all of them having obviously a lot of fun on stage, joking and "posing" around; all of which came across very well!

Since I was familiar with the songs I could get into them very well but I'm afraid that a lot of people there who never heard Sun Caged before were slightly "overwhelmed" by this enormous wall of music which surely is a lot easier (and WAY more enjoyable!) if you know the tracks.

André may look more like an ice-hockey player (hehe) than a metalhead -- but hell..... what a mighty voice he's got! And his "stage-acting" was most professional, too, IMO; gestures and mimics --- SPOT ON. His voice reminds me a little of the singer of ENCHANT.

All in all a wonderful gig which I enjoyed big time (it only was too short for my liking - I would have loved to hear more!). I hope to see Sun Caged again sometime soon!

I also enjoyed talking to Marcel for quite some time - apart from being one of the most impressive guitarists around he's also a really cool, friendly and funny guy (what faces he can pull!! Hilarious!).

So.... let me send out a HUGE THANKS to the whole band for this fantastic gig -- and a very special THANKS to you, Dennis, for so unexpectantly having shoved this rare piece of Sun Caged history through the door of our camper van the very last minute!!!

What an experience..... you guys rule! :)
All I can say is:
