How do I start its hard to explain this show because its far more than just a mear concert its as Bryant puts its a "Marathon" and it is! ...
I must start off by Saying I have waited to see Savatage for 10 years and they absolutely did NOT disapoint!!!!
First Band of the Night Into Eternity, I was Dying to see these guys, I wanted to reeeeeally Bad but I got lost in the airport in jeresey and got there late and I missed their set
that sucked!
The next band was DreamScape, Now if you like Really Proggy stuff you would like these guys me they almost put me to sleep, They had a great drummer tho!
Next Tad Morose! These guys kicked absolute ASS! They were Very Energetic and worked the crowd very well and whats almost even better after they goty done kicking our asses they came out to the bar and Hung out which is why I missed Kamelot
But that was ok The Tad Morose boys are very nice dudes I was Very impressed by this band
Next was ofcourse Kamelot (See Above)
Next Was Jon Oliva's Pain which was Jons chance to showcase his solo work he had Matt LaPorte on Guitar and Keven Rothney Both of Circle II Cirlce and I cant remember who on drums and Keyboards and he kicked ass Jon is a Character! it was truely a Treat to see him play
and I suggest you go and get Jon Oliva's Pain "Tage Mahal" its pretty good!
From here it folds into Savatage! Jon is Playing the Keys and Singing a Medley of tunes as the roadies set up Chris Caffery's equipment and Dr. Killdrums!!!! sets up his Kit bear in mind I'm very tired right now so I cant remember at the moment everything they actually played hahaha But here are some Highlights When They Did Somewhere in Time/Believe Damn near brought a tear to my eye Very Emotional and to be able to sing it along with Jon in the same room Amazing! words really cant describe how that felt! after that they Played alot of oldies Sirens,Dungeons are calling,Jesus Saves! Awsome live song! And it got to a point in the show when Jon Handed the vocal duties to non other than Chris Caffery For the song Edge of Thorns! MAN I am Incredibly Proud of Chris for the Job he did he was simply Awsome! I sang every lyric with him I was just Damn proud of him! Then umm I cant remember hahaha Plenty of stage antics and humor they were Up there having fun They also Played Power of the night With Chris on Vocals Again Another Excellent Job here! he nailed it and then they Played HYDE from the "Fight for the Rock" Album! What a treat!! they also ofcourse Played Gutter Ballet and When the Crowd is gone and Yet again I must Praise Mr Caffery! He pulled off Criss Oliva's leads Very Well not perfect mind you nobody but Criss could ... But! if anybody could come close its Caffery ... umm I cant remember the rest of the songs they played hahah But feel free to ask me if they played this song or that song and I will be able to remember that way
Doc Wacholz ... How do I put this KICKEDTOTALMOTHERFUCKINASS man He was amazing! I cant even begin to describe it ... all I can say is he is a Very Powerful Drummer! and Jon man he has gotten big over the years hahaha but its ok he still moved around and worked the crowd ...what a character hahahaha its hard to describe you kinda had to be there hahaha it was a very Special night! ... and thats just night 1 .... afterwards hahaha Parrrrrrrrty all night hahaha
I also Hooked up with Bryant and Stayed with Him and his wife they both are VERY COOL!
Bryant is a Character
hehehe but I'm not going to delve to deep somethings just stay with progpower hahaha and I also met Pabla and she is very cool too ...HEY it was great to meet you 2!!!!! in person that is hahaha anyways I am Getting fucking sick of typing I will give you my report on the second night tommorow 
I must start off by Saying I have waited to see Savatage for 10 years and they absolutely did NOT disapoint!!!!
First Band of the Night Into Eternity, I was Dying to see these guys, I wanted to reeeeeally Bad but I got lost in the airport in jeresey and got there late and I missed their set

The next band was DreamScape, Now if you like Really Proggy stuff you would like these guys me they almost put me to sleep, They had a great drummer tho!
Next Tad Morose! These guys kicked absolute ASS! They were Very Energetic and worked the crowd very well and whats almost even better after they goty done kicking our asses they came out to the bar and Hung out which is why I missed Kamelot

Next was ofcourse Kamelot (See Above)
Next Was Jon Oliva's Pain which was Jons chance to showcase his solo work he had Matt LaPorte on Guitar and Keven Rothney Both of Circle II Cirlce and I cant remember who on drums and Keyboards and he kicked ass Jon is a Character! it was truely a Treat to see him play

From here it folds into Savatage! Jon is Playing the Keys and Singing a Medley of tunes as the roadies set up Chris Caffery's equipment and Dr. Killdrums!!!! sets up his Kit bear in mind I'm very tired right now so I cant remember at the moment everything they actually played hahaha But here are some Highlights When They Did Somewhere in Time/Believe Damn near brought a tear to my eye Very Emotional and to be able to sing it along with Jon in the same room Amazing! words really cant describe how that felt! after that they Played alot of oldies Sirens,Dungeons are calling,Jesus Saves! Awsome live song! And it got to a point in the show when Jon Handed the vocal duties to non other than Chris Caffery For the song Edge of Thorns! MAN I am Incredibly Proud of Chris for the Job he did he was simply Awsome! I sang every lyric with him I was just Damn proud of him! Then umm I cant remember hahaha Plenty of stage antics and humor they were Up there having fun They also Played Power of the night With Chris on Vocals Again Another Excellent Job here! he nailed it and then they Played HYDE from the "Fight for the Rock" Album! What a treat!! they also ofcourse Played Gutter Ballet and When the Crowd is gone and Yet again I must Praise Mr Caffery! He pulled off Criss Oliva's leads Very Well not perfect mind you nobody but Criss could ... But! if anybody could come close its Caffery ... umm I cant remember the rest of the songs they played hahah But feel free to ask me if they played this song or that song and I will be able to remember that way

I also Hooked up with Bryant and Stayed with Him and his wife they both are VERY COOL!