ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

wow man, I guess Pamela likes to sing strictly with bald dudes? hehe! But the pics are AMAZING MAN! Great work!
Future's End

for those of you who didnt hear, my CF Card took a wild shit on me during Orphand Land's set last night, and it was the one card i stupidly used for the whole weekend, so i have to see if i can get the picture files off of it when i get home or if Im just fucked this year all around. =/
Surprise (to me anyway - he magically appeared while I was backstage changing lenses) special guest with Fates Warning: Nick Van Dyk of Redemption.


Now playing: Redemption - Snowfall on Judgement Day :rock:
for those of you who didnt hear, my CF Card took a wild shit on me during Orphand Land's set last night, and it was the one card i stupidly used for the whole weekend, so i have to see if i can get the picture files off of it when i get home or if Im just fucked this year all around. =/

Next time, look around for a friendly fellow photographer and borrow one of their spare cards.

But yeah, carrying a single card is tempting fate.