ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

Good to hear you could recover the data on the memory card Nailz. (experienced this many years ago once myself. Luckily i had the recovery software and never got rid of it since...never had to use it thus far, but one can never tell).

Looking forward to the 'lost' pics after you're done processing.


More coming soon! Up to 150 recovered so far!

Awesome shot :lol:that air conditioner joke was hysterical!
Last one for now, I have a cold/PP Crud and need some sleep and soup. I have to pull myself away from these!



After all of the bullshit all year long, and nearly throwing in the towel, I think the look on his face during Sabaton's set is pretty tell tale how he feels about ProgPower USA, don't you? :)

(edited for effect. LOL)
You too Jen, I can't wait to find that picture of you and Glenn I have. It was so great to see him relaxed for 10 seconds :)

Anyway, THIS is why I was so heartbroken when I thought I had lost my shots:


More coming soon! Up to 150 recovered so far!

I WANT THAT FUCKING BASS! Damn it damn it damn it that is a kick-ass bass, and I must have it.

*calls ESP for an Artist's Signature Series Pär Sundström Camo Axe*
( kickass pic of Glenn )

After all of the bullshit all year long, and nearly throwing in the towel, I think the look on his face during Sabaton's set is pretty tell tale how he feels about ProgPower USA, don't you? :)

(edited for effect. LOL)

This is such a great picture, thank you for posting it!
Nailz - totally lookin' forward to seeing the rest of your pics man!!! when it comes to cards & drives, I think when you're under the impression you've lost something and then recover it, they mean a little more to ya... Of course that is after the dance of elation :Smokin:

and it was awesome meeting you!!!
You too Jen! Thanks for signing my nipples. :lol: ... But your right. It's absolutely great for me that I was able to get them back. And if it wasn't for Drew telling me to not let it ruin my weekend, it would have. I was able to break out of the funk halfway through Orphaned Land's last set, and glad I did, because I'd have felt stupid now. LOL!

Thanks Teathyme, glad you liked that one of Glenn. I'm really really glad I was able to capture that one myself, and happy to randomly find it while looking through the recovered files!
Nice work everyone! I wish I had camera skills like some of you. Actually, I wish I had any camera skills whatsoever. :lol:

Danaë + purple corset = me being jealous of Jon. :)

I don't know if I missed it or not... but did anyone get a good shot of DSO's bass player? I may need it for reference for my wardrobe next year. :lol: