ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

I didn't see you there! A shame, since I wanted to say hi. :erk:

I was there for every single band in the pit ;p
You probably didn't recognize me. I have black hair now. haha.. a lot of people didn't recognize me until they saw the camera and put two and two together. And I wore the most obnoxiously loud shirts! You know after two years I still have no clue who you are or what you look like. Catch me next year and be like "HEY IT'S ME, NAILZ" that would solve the problem! :p


Ugh. I got stuck on the side and look like a balloon! I came early and saw no one around, so I went down to the vendors room for a few seconds to look for someone. By the time I came back, all the girls were lined up already and I barely made it in time! Next year, I'll just have to stay put! :lol:

@esa & Allen - I really love the disposable cameras in the lobby idea! That's really awesome! Yippee had a good point though, some will be walked off with. Maybe instead of the cameras lying around, they could be "checked out" for a few hours/all day by someone and then returned at the end of their time period. Like videos or library books. That way they are available for random use by multiple people AND are being kept track of. Thanks for that idea - it's terrific because so many silly and wonderful things go on in that lobby every year but so few of us have a camera on hand.

Loving' all the pictures guys (and gals)!
I have to get my disposable developed, hopefully I'll drop it off this weekend.

I only took a couple of shots of Andy... that was the only set I was up front for. I don't think I took any from the seats, maybe 1 or 2 as it seemed a waste since it was a disposable w/no means to zoom in etc.
I came early and saw no one around, so I went down to the vendors room for a few seconds to look for someone. By the time I came back, all the girls were lined up already and I barely made it in time! Next year, I'll just have to stay put! :lol:
Same here, but I made the mistake of making a "quick" trip back to the room and then stopped to help the blind fellow attending ProgPower to cross the street and head in the correct direction to the Artmore. (I'm not making that second part up, I swear.) I got there just after the corset photo. Next year we'll get our butts there early and be patient. :lol:
Maybe instead of the cameras lying around, they could be "checked out" for a few hours/all day by someone and then returned at the end of their time period. Like videos or library books. That way they are available for random use by multiple people AND are being kept track of. Thanks for that idea - it's terrific because so many silly and wonderful things go on in that lobby every year but so few of us have a camera on hand.

Perhaps they could be picked up/dropped off at the t-shirt/gold badge table.

Yeah. That's kind of unfortunate. Move back and don't use a wide angle if you don't want to make enemies of all the women on the ends!

Move back? I tried. It took Allen's "doublewide" lens (14-24mm) to save the shot.


We need some crowd control volunteers next time. :rolleyes:
Move back? I tried. It took Allen's "doublewide" lens (14-24mm) to save the shot.


We need some crowd control volunteers next time. :rolleyes:

crowd control is a definite - maybe we can get the Terminator Twins to help us out? the "fans" were a bit more RABID this year and were seriously encroaching on all the ladies and our photographers :)

perhaps some "caution" tape, to keep the rowdies at bay for a few moments? ;) (and yes, you KNOW i know where to get my hands on some of said caution tape ;))
That's what I'm talking about! Great pictures Kathy!!!

Thanks Yipp! I just wish I wouldn't have lost so many good ones. For some reason there was a big yellow and red line going down the middle of them... Pam said the same thing happened to hers. And then some were just plain blurry. New camera for next year!!!