ProgPower USA X Picture Thread

The picture that pissed off a thousand friends:


Heh heh heh. I'll be rubbing this in BAD with Matt, he said he's coming next time Sabaton plays, without even a flinch!
That sucks! I heard about that, :mad:. Maybe next the girls should just change at the venue.... not worth getting upset and possibly being grabbed by an overzealous local. Or just make sure you are walking with some guys! Better to be safe :)

If I get harrassed I turn mean real fast :heh:

We had two guys with us. The rest of the group was quite a ways ahead of us, so our two bodyguards were a bit outnumbered by the locals. I did remind them both that I took TaeKwonDo for a reason, though. I'd have defended myself if necessary.

It was still nerve-wracking, since they hooted and hollered and followed us all for a bit, trying to get one of us to go off with them. I guess they figured we were hookers or something because of how we were dressed. :rolleyes:

@Bryan: My friends have a couple photos like that. :rock:
There is really no magic here. The single most important thing is good color management and calibrating your display. I use the relatively cheapo Colorvision Spyder 2 which has done wonders for proper color management throughout my workflow and publishing (print and web).


Thanks for the suggestion. It doesn't seem to be that expensive at all, and it'd help tremendously. Love your stuff, you and Esa are great inspirations!
QFT. I'm not a very appealing target, being of linebacker proportions, but I've never felt anything less than perfectly safe at PPUSA because I know if on the very unlikely chance something does happen that I - or any of the girls - couldn't handle, there is a large number of men that will take care of it. None of them look kindly on the girls being harassed.

The corsets look awesome - I like seeing more of the "real thing" as opposed to the pseudo-corsets that were around the first couple years. And no, you definitely don't need to be well-endowed up top to wear one well!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I've always felt safe at Prog Power too... I know I can count on the peeps to help out if need be. But sometimes it can get kinda late with not too many people around and you should just be careful.... from the drivers also, man, can't they wait until you get out of their way to make their turns :Smug:
Thanks Ann Marie!!!
I shot like 5 pics of that right in front of him with the disposables. sure hope it comes out. Next year to hell with it, I'm bringing my cannon t70, heavy or not it's coming along!!

I have to get my instant developed as well... guess I'll drop it off Friday and cross my fingers that some of the shots are decent!

Orbweaver: Glad you girls are OK though! That sounds like a real horrible situation with the being followed and all! Maybe you gals should bring a change of clothes and change at the venue.
Anybody notice a distinct lack of non-band photos this year? I mean pictures of "here's me and my three friends."

Well, I'd just hate for this thread to be "lacking" :lol: so here's a fun candid of Dawn, me, Su and Tracie Sat. night at the T-shirt table. If you didn't come see us, shame on you!! :)


~ Jen
Anybody notice a distinct lack of non-band photos this year? I mean pictures of "here's me and my three friends."

6 disposables waiting to be developed.:cry:

@ Esa- thanks for taking the pic! We didn't really think about it till halfway thru so it was impromptu. Thanks for Upping the Irons PP fans!! I don't think I saw two shirts that were the same Friday night!!!
Who is the girl in the very front, kneeling, with the devil horns? I like her shirt. It looks like a custom job, and if it is, I'm interested in learning how she did it. :)

@Yippee: I took quite a few photos with musicians this year. But my pictures won't be ready until Monday. :(


clockwise starting with our wonderful moderator

Wyvern (Rolando), SavaRon (Ron), Poundingmetal74 (Brendan), Becky (Bills girl along for the ride, MXGonzo (Bill), Wheezer (Brent), Bryant (thanks for keeping your pants up!) Pabla, Kittybeast (Kristy) honorary mention to JDUBYA he was working so we couldn't get him in
Anybody notice a distinct lack of non-band photos this year? I mean pictures of "here's me and my three friends."

Question for the forum - Esa had a great idea. What if we provided a bunch of disposables for Meet and Greets and general lobby use? Could we keep them in the building for processing and posting in the festival galleries?
