ProgPower USA XII Roster Discussion

That's one thing that struck me when I was coming up with my roster for the contest thread...there really haven't been many buzz bands lately. I'm not even sure who would qualify for that title anymore.

I know I'm in the minority here but I did a WTF take at Sanctuary as a headliner. I know they have a devoted following but I couldn't get into Refuge Denied when it came out and for kicks I listened to it again as well as tracks from Into The Mirror Black and I just couldn't get into either. On top of it they only released 2 releases. I'm going to keep listening but I just don't understand what warranted a headlining appearance. Hoping it's on the understanding they will do some stuff from Warrel's last CD as well some Nevermore stuff.
I know I'm in the minority here but I did a WTF take at Sanctuary as a headliner. I know they have a devoted following but I couldn't get into Refuge Denied when it came out and for kicks I listened to it again as well as tracks from Into The Mirror Black and I just couldn't get into either. On top of it they only released 2 releases. I'm going to keep listening but I just don't understand what warranted a headlining appearance. Hoping it's on the understanding they will do some stuff from Warrel's last CD as well some Nevermore stuff.

They have been talked about but I agree I don't know about headliner. Maybe 5th slot. I doubt they do solo Warrel stuff, but you gotta think that by next year the new Sanctuary cd will be released.
I am already having a blast listening to the stuff i bought of next years line-up. Discovering new bands is half the fun of PPUSA.
Saw Therion at last ProgPower and coming from someone who has seen hundreds of shows that was easily in my top 5 performance of all time.

Agreed. I didn't see them at progpower, but their performance the last time in Chicago is in my top 3. I don't think some quite realize the following Therion has. It'll be interesting to see when tickets go on sale, what happens.
I know I'm in the minority here but I did a WTF take at Sanctuary as a headliner. I know they have a devoted following but I couldn't get into Refuge Denied when it came out and for kicks I listened to it again as well as tracks from Into The Mirror Black and I just couldn't get into either. On top of it they only released 2 releases. I'm going to keep listening but I just don't understand what warranted a headlining appearance. Hoping it's on the understanding they will do some stuff from Warrel's last CD as well some Nevermore stuff.

Because seeing Battle Angels live will be worth the price of your weekend. :devil:

Because seeing Battle Angels live will be worth the price of your weekend. :devil:

as Glenn said after the Kamelot set and before the PPUSA XII video announcement, "next year we'll be changing the title of this fest to ProgPower USA: Shit you can't see anywhere else!" Granted, if you live in Europe you'll likely have a couple opportunities to see Sanctuary in 2011. But I have it on good authority they are not touring North America. So if you live within those borders and you want to see the re-formed Sanctuary lineup, you better make plans to attend PPUSA XII with me. :Smug:

Sanctuary toured in between 1987 to 1991 supporting their only two releases before the band disintegrated on the verge of the short-lived grunge movement. Remember, these guys are from the same Seattle area that later spawned Pearl Jam, et. al.
When I first heard the 'Refuge Denied' album in 1988 at the age of 22, I was certain that the torch would soon be passed from Judas Priest and other metal icons to Sanctuary. Unfortunately that never happened due to both founding guitarists and drummer leaving the band for differing personal reasons.
People here have said that 'Sanctuary became Nevermore'... not necessarily. Two founding members and a touring guitarist from the defunct Sanctuary later formed a new band called Nevermore - a darker, more progressive band than Sanctuary ever was. Warrel changed his vocal style to fit this new style of darker music. He has said in recent interviews that he can still hit those Sanctuary notes. But that he will be training to do so since it's been almost years since he's had to.

here's an idea for the Sanctuary nay-sayers and balkers... go search through this thread for the feedback concerning another recently reformed band who many balked at headlining the PPUSA Kickoff this year: ACCEPT. And then think about your extremely limited chances to witness Sanctuary live on stage in 2011.

oh, and a two+ hour exclusive USA performance from Therion certainly won't hurt my feelings at all. *shifty-eyed*

as Glenn said after the Kamelot set and before the PPUSA XII video announcement, "next year we'll be changing the title of this fest to ProgPower USA: Shit you can't see anywhere else!" Granted, if you live in Europe you'll likely have a couple opportunities to see Sanctuary in 2011. But I have it on good authority they are not touring North America. So if you live within those borders and you want to see the re-formed Sanctuary lineup, you better make plans to attend PPUSA XII with me. :Smug:

Sanctuary toured in between 1987 to 1991 supporting their only two releases before the band disintegrated on the verge of the short-lived grunge movement. Remember, these guys are from the same Seattle area that later spawned Pearl Jam, et. al.
When I first heard the 'Refuge Denied' album in 1988 at the age of 22, I was certain that the torch would soon be passed from Judas Priest and other metal icons to Sanctuary. Unfortunately that never happened due to both founding guitarists and drummer leaving the band for differing personal reasons.
People here have said that 'Sanctuary became Nevermore'... not necessarily. Two founding members and a touring guitarist from the defunct Sanctuary later formed a new band called Nevermore - a darker, more progressive band than Sanctuary ever was. Warrel changed his vocal style to fit this new style of darker music. He has said in recent interviews that he can still hit those Sanctuary notes. But that he will be training to do so since it's been almost years since he's had to.

here's an idea for the Sanctuary nay-sayers and balkers... go search through this thread for the feedback concerning another recently reformed band who many balked at headlining the PPUSA Kickoff this year: ACCEPT. And then think about your extremely limited chances to witness Sanctuary live on stage in 2011.

oh, and a two+ hour exclusive USA performance from Therion certainly won't hurt my feelings at all. *shifty-eyed*

Well if Sanctuary isn't on US soil in 2011 then I will say this will have a good chance of selling tix. If they do tour elsewhere it'll hurt the fest I think in the US. You seem like you know that they won't but I'm not buying it yet, especially since when they were announcing the bands on Twitter they specified US exclusive on Therion but not on Sanctuary. Why would that be the case if they weren't going to tour the US next year?
So stoked about this. Like Brian said yesterday, Warrel's gonna love this show and decide to try a little harder to bring Nevermore.
nomisofsiman, I never said it was a U.S. exclusive. I imagine they'll do something in the Seattle area where they originated. Much like JOP does a warm-up show in Tampa before heading off to Europe. I would hazard a guess this is why Glenn did not add the 'exclusive' tag to his video.

But again, as I understand it there are no plans to tour the U.S. in 2011.

2012? who knows? :loco: bands are unpredictable.
nomisofsiman, I never said it was a U.S. exclusive. I imagine they'll do something in the Seattle area where they originated. Much like JOP does a warm-up show in Tampa before heading off to Europe. I would hazard a guess this is why Glenn did not add the 'exclusive' tag to his video.

But again, as I understand it there are no plans to tour the U.S. in 2011.

2012? who knows? :loco: bands are unpredictable.

Ah. That would make sense. Looking very forward to it (providing I can get there).
Next year's lineup fucking smokes! My favorite since PP's III and VI. There's something for the entire family on next year's roster. I fucking love it! Thank you, Glenn and everyone else involved. It's a fucking kick-ass lineup and don't let anybody tell you differently. This lineup is why I refer to Glenn as "Sensei". The man is a fucking genius.
Me too. I think Glenn really hit a home run with the next lineup in terms of diversity, popularity, and demand. Or so I thought. I figured this forum would be filled with people freaking out about finally getting Mob Rules and Labyrinth.

Maybe my opinion is skewed because I actually know most of the bands and like them. I'm excited for ARCTURUS!, Eldritch, Red Circuit, Voyager, Mob Rules, Sanctuary, Dream Evil, Labyrinth, and Therion. When Heaven Wept and Haken sounded incredible! It's going to be a great year!

I also agree. Kinda funny in an ironic way that there is a post saying this the best line-up ever immediately followed by another post saying this is the worst line-up ever. I guess one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Like you, my opinion is skewed because I knew of nearly all of these bands except While Heaven Wept (kinda sad, as it turns out these guys are actually local to me out of Dale City, VA, which is only about 20 miles north of here - figured I'd at least see them at Jaxx from time to time). I'll have to go put their album on and give them a listen (I did buy a copy)

I knew of Creation's End and Hakem, but never actually heard any of their material. I am listening to the Creation's End album right now while typing this and really like what I am hearing here! I also have Hakem's album as well and will be giving that a listen shortly.

Also, much to my disappointment, turned out that I did NOT put a sponsorship bid for Mob Rules in addition to Eldritch. I was thinking of wanting to sponsor Eldritch anyway, as they never played the states. But would've been cool to at least have the bragging rights to say that two of the bands that I bidded on made the line-up.

Personally, I really love this line-up. I was blown away to see Voyager announced! I was seriously considering going to Australia in an effort to see Voyager as well as Eyefear.
I also agree. Kinda funny in an ironic way that there is a post saying this the best line-up ever immediately followed by another post saying this is the worst line-up ever. I guess one man's trash is another man's treasure.

I think a lot of this has to do with just how diverse it is. There are a lot of people that like all power or like all prog. This really is quite diverse and goes into territories Progpower never has been before.
The Chicago Powerfest got the jump on PPUSA and brought Eldritch here in '06.

That news to me. I was under the impression that they never played the US before. Cool that they did, though. I personally really like Eldritch, so I will certainly have no problem sponsor these guys (if indeed I actually won the bid).