ProgPower USA XIII Picture Thread

I''m weeding through some 2600 shots from the weekend. I'm just a hack photographer who is trying to learn, so I have a ton of throwaways. I just hope to have a few gems mixed in.

I fucking love this. LOL.
Thank you for your contribution TwizstedJesus, looking forward to seeing more of your photos. Would you be able to re-size your photos before posting? Mine are around 800px on the long end (feel free to post a bit larger if you like), that way you won't have people stretching out their browsers trying to see the original full-size image.

For anyone who has any interest, this is what we're doing with these photos. This one wasn't particularly bad, but the top was straight out of the camera, the bottom was color corrected and minor processing tweaks. It's small so you can't see ALL the detail here, but while the LEDs do look good and give good light, camera sensors do NOT know how to deal with them well.

Just thought it might be interesting to see the 'before and after' of my workflow. Continue. :)

I was late for this band shot, and in my rush to the scene I blocked another person's shot and she probably didn't get another. I owe her a copy of this image but neglected to get her name; she said she isn't a forum member but her husband is. Husbands, anybody with a wife who is a Serenity fan and had unflattering things to say about me?
D700 with 70-200 f2.8, ISO 3200 1/200s f4.0.


Grrr....meanwhile I go above 1600 iso on my 50D andI start getting noise issues.
One reason I thought about upgrading to a 7D as they don't have noise issues to around 3200 iso,decided to get anpther 50D body off Ebay as an equal back up and invest
in glass(70-200 2.8 L. And a 24 mm prime 1.4 L)
Maybe should have invested in a 85 1.4 L(or even a 1.2 )for situations such as this