ProgPower USA XIII Picture Thread

Here are my 3 best. Next year I hope to have a proper lens with me.



Maybe should have invested in a 85 1.4 L(or even a 1.2 )for situations such as this

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to shoot events like this in 1.4/2? Do you realize that the DoF at that Apature would give you a focus error threshold that is infinitesimally small?

The 50D isn't exactly known for it's handling of noise at the higher ends, sure, but, for example, I was shooting with a 5DMII and a 24-70L F/2.8 with no hood @ between f/4.5 and f/2.8 from 1/125-1/400 from ISO3200-6400. The trick is knowing how to mitigate noise as much as you can in the original shot, but also knowing how to remove it in Post without killing the picture.

I've tried shooting with the 50mm f/1.8 @ f1.8 a few years ago, it was a disaster almost every shot. I'm not saying you COULDN'T do it, but IMO you'd be silly to try. IMO next year, or whenever you're shooting a show again, rent a 24-70L and see how you like it. The 50D is a crop frame, and a 70-200 would give you an incredibly small angle. As it is, with the 24-70 on the 5DMII there were several times I'd wanted to reach around and grab at a 18mm prime on a FF body.
I was able to get rid ofmost of the noise in post(especially when you go to the Raw screen).I was around 2.8-4 the entire time.
The image I took with Allen pointing I had to isolate him out and blur out the backround a bit to reduce noise and artifacts I could not get rid of in Raw.
I know Canon is coming out with the replacement for the 7D in a few months,maybe I can pick up a 7D by next ProgPower just for concert photography(mainly because if you look at my glamour photography I'm in water all the time(sometimes up to my chin),and while still sucking if I submerge my body,it wouldn't suck as much as a higher end body and glass(most of my water styled shots I use my 50 1.8,which I also used for the Redemption Sat morning show,but the lighting for their set was easily the best for any band this weekend,did not get it down past ap 5 and my ISO was 800)
A 7D would be a good choice. I've been able to do some concert shots with it and it's really a solid piece of work. I'm wondering if I want to sell my body and glass and put out for a 6D, but I have to wait on it. Alas this isn't the photog thread, so I'll shut up now. :)
Also too many band pics and not enough fun pics. Here's the other side of that semi-famous picture from this weekend. Those of you who know which one will find this hysterical.


Also, did anyone else notice this?



"Everyone." Click through to a supersized image

Wow dude, I just... wow. Also just noticed on the Primordial shot: "ISO 25600 1/80s f4.5" ... If that's what Nikon can do at that level, I may need to reconsider my fanboy position. And one last thing: If you don't print and frame that Simone shot, I will, and then I will come to your house and hang it for you.