ProgPower V - whose going?

For me, it is in the hands of the gods. I have my gold badges, I have a hotel room booked. No flight yet, and the pivotal factor, no baby yet.
JayKeeley said:
For me, it is in the hands of the gods. I have my gold badges, I have a hotel room booked. No flight yet, and the pivotal factor, no baby yet.
So, does this mean you're only going to go if the baby has come, or if the baby hasn't come? When's the due date?

General Zod said:
So, does this mean you're only going to go if the baby has come, or if the baby hasn't come? When's the due date?

Due date is Sept 24th, but the wife could drop a month early like last time. If the baby arrives before ProgPower, I'll have a chance of going. If the baby hasn't arrived before ProgPower, I eat my gold badges I guess...
I am so there, finally got a deal together that made it ok financially to come down alone.

JayKeeley - if there's still an outside chance you could go drop me a line, I have a suite complete with a separate living room that sleeps 4 comfortably - just let me know. And I'm sorry for the delay on the fest report - it is coming I promise.
Chances are good I would imagine. I don't want to commit to anything until the baby is ok and out of the ICU, but so far so good...

Jason - I'll get back to you on the room arrangements etc. If I have Marriot points, I may just use them to save some cash, but I need to look into it. I'll keep you posted.

I got an e-mail from Mark a couple of days back and he thinks he will NOT be going due to financial constraints.

I still need to check with Chief B too since he's been out of work for a while and is laying low, that dirty hindu.

*fingers are crossed*
Zod & Dark One - not sure whether you made it down to Atlanta yet, but all my flights have been cancelled out of NY. The hurricane has delayed everything, so I'll be flying down tomorrow morning now instead...assuming Ivan's fucked off.