Programming kick drums...and a bit drums in general!


Jun 15, 2008
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Let's talk kicks, they're something that's been causing me a bit of grief in getting my new project out. I have a few questions hopefully you guys can share your ideas...

How does everyone program them (drums) in the DAW? Drum maps? Piano roll? Hell, staff notation?

Do you max out the MIDI velocities all the time? Stick within a particular range? Do you blend samples that are maxed and some that aren't? (ie dynamic SD2 kick with maxed Drumagog samples)

How much kick do you blend in to room/other mics?

Typical busing/routing ideas/tricks? Parallel comp?

Any particular frequencies to watch out for/common sweet spots?

Any other tips/ideas that rock? :rock:
In superior 2, the kicks always sound like balls if you let it bleed into other mics. At least it does for me, and most other people! Hahaha. And keep the velocity on it around 105. When it gets too high in velocity it starts sound really fucking weird and gets a funny quality in the high end. As always, your milage may vary!
Programming: I write all my music in Guitar Pro, convert it to midi and import it in Cubase. I can work really fast with Guitar Pro, that's the main reason why I do it this way.
I do max out the midi velocities, definately for a snare but perhaps it's not always the best for a kickdrum... I think it just depends on the vst/samples u're using.
I play with the velocity settings of hihat, cymbals to get a more 'realistic' feel and not have every 'hit' the same.
The way I've been doing things for the album mix I'm doing is
recording drum hits to a midi track with KTDrumTrigger2
Quantizing, adding beats that didn't trigger correctly and removing false triggers.
Outputting the midi tracks to Addictive Drums
Replacing kick snare and toms 100% with samples using aptrigga2.
Re-programmed OH's by hand myself and used AD's OH and Room Mics. Room mics without ANY kick in, because shit starts to sound like a motherfucking cannon.

But that's desperate fucking measures. Shit was played so bad and recorded even worse that editing and major EQ work was just completely out of the question.