Promos that you listen to post-review?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
This is for anyone who receives free promos to review, i.e. the RC crew but also people like Russell or anyone from other zines...

I'm sure it is with most of you as with me; most promos you tend to review, and then put away and kind of forget about. So my question is: what promos have you received and continued to listen to regularly after you've reviewed it?
Almost all promos get the pile treatment when my review is done, but some are real treats:

Sunn O))) - White1
Thee Maldoror Kollective - whatever it's called
Antimatter - Lights Out
Dead Soul Tribe - A Murder of Crows
Aborted - Goremageddon
Especially Likely Sloth
Hypocrisy - The Arrival (would've purchased it otherwise)
Finntroll - Nattfödd
Mörk Gryning - Pieces of Primal Expressionism
The Great Deceiver - Terra Incognito (don't really like this anymore)
Watchmaker - Kill. Fucking. Everything.
Aborym - With No Human Intervention
Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion*
Orphaned Land - Mabool*
King Diamond - The Puppet Master (but I bought the proper version)*
Virgin Black - Elegant...and Dying*
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality
My Dying Bride - Songs of Darkness
Woods of Ypres - Pursuit of the Sun...

*These are just the ones I reviewed.

This list represents all the promos I still listen to, regardless of whether I reviewed or not. This list probably represents about a third of all promos I own. I'd say about 95% of promos I get are forwarded to you guys.

Truth be known, I would probably listen to more promos, but I'm constantly drowning in other releases, new buys, CD-R's etc, whether new or old, and I feel obliged to listen to 'new' material before going back to something I've already heard.

It's never ending.
I havent received too many promos so far, but out of them, the ones that have stuck with me would be:

Portal - Seepia
Rev. Kriss Hades - The Wind of Orion
Spear of Longinus - The Yoga of National Socialism
Well, if I were to count all of the promos inmy collection, that would be a lot of shit that I still listen to. But out of all of the promos that I have reviewed will RC has been alive, here are the ones that I still listen to from time to time. Meaning more than once a year!

Akercocke "Chronozon"

Alchemist "Austral Alien"

Anata "Under A Stone With No Inscription"

John Arch "A Twist Of Fate"

Black Label Society "The Blessed Hellride"

Cradle Of Filth "Damnation And A day"

Death Angel "the Art Of Dying"

Haste "the Mercury Lift"

Immolation "Unholy Cult"

My Dying Bride "Songs Of darkness, Words Of Light"

Seven Witches "Passage To The Other Side"

Vital remains "Dechristianize"

I tend to buy most promos if I listen to them a decent amount, unless they come in proper jewel cases. That said, my most listened to promos would probably have to be:
Manes - Vilosophe
Ephel Duath - TPP
Thee Maldoror Kollective - New Era Viral Order
Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude
And then quite a few demos I'm sent I also listen to regularly :)