Protools Le click plugin

Hi Kenny Lee!
I just asked, because I recorded a session with the click plugin a while ago, everything was working great, perfect sync with an Adat and stuff. Next day I opened the session, for an aditional guitar recording and the click was out of sync?!? Don't know what happened and I'm still trying to figure it out!?... :erk:
Normally I use a click from the D4 in sync with miditimecode and it never let me down! Even when I work with protools and an Otari Mx80.
Could it be a digital clock problem?... Maybe... I was recording in internalclock mode. :err:
Very reliable for me. I prefer Digital Performer but my producer uses Pro Tools, so I have to have an MBox so I can keep one foot in both platforms. I have printed click outputs from Pro Tools to audio tracks and checked the lineup of the clicks against MIDI time as well as samples/frames in Digital Performer and it is spot-on perfect, start to finish.