Providence, RI - Lupos - Feb 25th : Roll Call

I was definately there, ended up seeing all of Devin Townsend at Murphy's around the corner after the show. Me and my friend were front row right right at the end of the railing. I was really disappointed at the hot topic crowd though, no one got into it until they played GC...

Great show. Started out up front about 6-8 people deep center stage. Getting dragged into a pit a couple times started to piss me off. Every time I look at who's moshing it seemed to be the same pack of 14yr olds.
I decided to leave my elbow up at nose level behind me so I could enjoy the show.

My buddy and I headed towards the back during Baying of the Hounds for a leak and a beer. Enjoyed the rest of the show with fewer kids and more space.
i actually turned around and saw you do that, was pretty funny did you end up catching anyone?
StreamsOfSolace said:
I was definately there, ended up seeing all of Devin Townsend at Murphy's around the corner after the show. Me and my friend were front row right right at the end of the railing. I was really disappointed at the hot topic crowd though, no one got into it until they played GC...

i actually turned around and saw you do that, was pretty funny did you end up catching anyone?

I was fed up with being dragged in a couple times, wouldn't have been as bad if I coulda seen people coming at me. I felt the "bowlingball with arms" head hit about three times. The dude was like a tank roaming around with arms swinging.
I missed DTB, which was a bit of a bummer. I thought DT was okay, but the keyboard parts started to make many of the songs sound the same. I really dug the last song they played, though. Cool rhythmic shifts going on. People around me were like, "WTF? How do you headbang to this?" Kinda wish there were just a smidge more melodic vox. I'm actually most familiar with Projector, so that's probably what makes me feel that way.

Anyway, on to Opeth. My wife came with me, and the only other metal show she's been to was Maiden, Dio, Motorhead, and I thought she was a trooper for going to that. When I was ordering tix to this show she asked if she could come, and I was psyched. She'd listened to GR and said she liked the music and the clean vox, but the "screamy-growlies" made it barely listenable. She loves Damnation (of course). I was just psyched that she was at work, headphones on, listening to Opeth. So for her to ask to go was HUGE. She then asked for some listening material to prepare. Now I knew she was serious. She knows that they're my favorite band, so she's kinda curious as to what makes them so good. I gave her three discs to listen to, knowing that she'd already heard GR and Damnation. I had her listen to MAYH first, then Still Life, then a mix of what are some of my favorite tracks. I could've just looked up the setlist online, but I wanted to be surprised, unlike I was at the Palladium. As a result, the only song she had NEVER heard before the show was UTWM. Not bad.

She stood behind me (we were by the mixing board) and every now and then I turned to see her nodding along, seeming fairly happy. After the show, she said she had a good time and that Mike seemed like such a nice, personable guy. And that they (and the people at the show) weren't scary at all, which was something she was worried about. Major success. I doubt she'll be digging out my Opeth CD's to take to work, but at least she now appreciates why I love them.

I'm so pleased that I saw Opeth only a short time ago and only 3 songs were repeats. And good songs, too. I was thrilled about UTWM and White Cluster. Mike's vox on WC were stronger live than on the record, I think. Axe's playing was, as folks have noted, waaaay improved from October. Everything was played at much closer to recorded tempo. I do miss some of Lopez's subtle artistic flourishes (don't know what else to call 'em), as Axe is a bit more straightforward. I kind of worry that if Lopez never comes back that Opeth will have a pretty ordinary, but certainly solid, drummer. Maybe it's just because he's playing someone else's stuff. I don't know.

If I have to nitpick one thing, it's that I'm not really a fan of the clean guitar sound they use. Kind of thin and brittle for my tastes. I wish it could be less biting, more rounded and rich. Especially Peter's guitar.

Great show. I'm so glad I went, and I can't believe I got my decidedly unmetal wife to come with me and enjoy herself!