Public school teacher tells class: 'You belong in hell'

My teachers said way worse to everyone in class. What's the big deal about this?
We even had a law class because the teacher said we will all get arrested one day (not that everyone will, just this particular class) so we should know our rights.
People can be such pussies these days. A teacher calls someone a name, like dumbass or something like that, and the parents sue for everything the Board Of Education is worth.
Getting religious bullshit rammed down your throat & being told if you don't accept Jesus that you're going to hell really isn't the place of secular education... it's not just just "oh he called us names and said mean things," it's a matter of the kind of ideology he's imposing in his classroom.
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I always wondered:

Imagine living a good life, loving your neighbour and being an overall Nice Guy. Then when you die, you come before God and he says, "well, you've been an overall Nice Guy, but I'm not letting you into Heaven because you didn't believe in me."

God is not an overall Nice Guy.
Fact: God takes it in the ass and likes to put it in the ass. That's how Mary got pregnant but stayed a virgin. God made a miracle that buttsecks could impregnate her.
I always wondered:

Imagine living a good life, loving your neighbour and being an overall Nice Guy. Then when you die, you come before God and he says, "well, you've been an overall Nice Guy, but I'm not letting you into Heaven because you didn't believe in me."

God is not an overall Nice Guy.

Eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love...

"Thank you forgiving Lord, for all those options!"

-Bill Hicks
Worst thing I've ever heard was from one of my professors last semester, who insisted that atheists claimed that they had knowledge of what happened after death (WTF???). I had to keep myself from screaming when I replied that his logic was completely backward. He didn't seem happy, but he didn't try to defend himself either.
No, being an atheist means that you have seen no evidence of God existing, and thus do not believe it.
No. That's the mistake many people make. Saying you have seen no evidence of God existing and thus see no reason to believe it makes you an agnostic.

An atheist is not someone who doesn't believe in God. An atheist is someone who believes there is NO God. That's a huge difference.
No. That's the mistake many people make. Saying you have seen no evidence of God existing and thus see no reason to believe it makes you an agnostic.

An atheist is not someone who doesn't believe in God. An atheist is someone who believes there is NO God. That's a huge difference.

Absolutely correct.
Worst thing I've ever heard was from one of my professors last semester, who insisted that atheists claimed that they had knowledge of what happened after death.

Most atheists believe that upon death they simply cease being conscious. So in a way, he's correct.
I do not believe in a god because the very idea that such a being could exist is unreasonable and impossible as far as science has shown us. Atheism is the absence of religion, the refusal to subscribe the unfounded doctrines of any faith. Some may say that science is merely another doctrine to subscribe to, but the laws of science can be proven as truth.
Atheism is the absence of religion, the refusal to subscribe the unfounded doctrines of any faith.

And yet in a way, atheists are just as gullible as theists. They also believe things based on something they don't know.

Anyway, atheism is more than the absence of religion, it's the complete rejection of religion, and thus, the rejection of an afterlife.
I still disagree with him, but I can see where he's coming from. I guess my point was that as a religious person, he is a hypocrite because religions are more guilty of claiming to know about what happens after death, being that they have an entire faith set up around that very concept.

I have a feeling I may not have worded that exactly the way I mean it. Eh.