Public school teacher tells class: 'You belong in hell'

I do not believe in a god because the very idea that such a being could exist is unreasonable and impossible as far as science has shown us. Atheism is the absence of religion, the refusal to subscribe the unfounded doctrines of any faith. Some may say that science is merely another doctrine to subscribe to, but the laws of science can be proven as truth.

Thats Agnostic.:Smug:
that is sexy
Belgian, Brooks- I simply counter you with the one comment no one can refute.

"I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time." -Isaac Asimov.

Any attempt to counter anything Asimov says results in losing all respect from me. :)

But seriously, don't ever try those arguments in my presence, I throttled the last person.
I always wondered:

Imagine living a good life, loving your neighbour and being an overall Nice Guy. Then when you die, you come before God and he says, "well, you've been an overall Nice Guy, but I'm not letting you into Heaven because you didn't believe in me."

God is not an overall Nice Guy.
Generally... yeah, that's how it works with a lot of religions. I think the idea is that because you do not declare you love and devotion to that particular God (who apparently has a monopoly on morality) you are merely playing the part of a Nice Guy and do not in fact "get it." I think semantics get in the way in that respect.

I don't believe in that, but I think that's the perspective. Kinda like you can say you're a zen buddhist and show how buddhist you are by doing nothing all day but eating tofu and meditating, but that alone doesn't make you understand zen... it just makes you a lazy tofu addict.
Belgian, Brooks- I simply counter you with the one comment no one can refute.
You don't have to convince us, you believe what you want to. If you want to believe there is NO God, go right ahead. But Asimov's comment is not an atheist comment, it's an agnostic one: he doesn't say there isn't a God, he just doesn't care. That's not atheism, which is what we've been explaining all along.

No. That's the mistake many people make. Saying you have seen no evidence of God existing and thus see no reason to believe it makes you an agnostic.

An atheist is not someone who doesn't believe in God. An atheist is someone who believes there is NO God. That's a huge difference.
Which a-hole g(r)ay-repped me for this? If it was you who's reading it, be aware that you only make yourself appear foolish.
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He said he's an atheist. You're simply a militant agnostic who trying to prove himself by poking at anyone who made a decision on the god/no god front. I don't believe there is no god, I say "based on provided evidence to the contrary and debunked claims from the believers, I feel rather confident that the christian god probably doesn't exist and I really don't feel like wasting my time being a panty-waste who can't make up his mind and decides to tell others what they believe or don't believe in."
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I'm not poking at anyone. I'm just explaining the difference between atheism and agnosticism. Agnosticism is by definition not militant by the way. You can believe whatever you want to believe, like I said, even though apparently you decide you had to bad rep me for this.

Who peed on your cornflakes this morning?
I haven't bad repped in a week. And you did. I'm tired of you damned agnostics thinking you have the upper hand. You're just theists on the fence to me. Fuck this, I'm going to the MABB. At least they don't find it funny to hijack my thread with this bullshit.
I haven't bad repped in a week. And you did. I'm tired of you damned agnostics thinking you have the upper hand. You're just theists on the fence to me. Fuck this, I'm going to the MABB. At least they don't find it funny to hijack my thread with this bullshit.
What? I didn't bad rep!

All I'm saying is that what Lunar Still said was atheism, was actually agnosticism. If that's a problem, then I'm sorry, but then you need to take a moment to cool off. This subject apparently strikes a nerve with you, so I won't go into it anymore.
David gets riled up a lot over religion... definitely not a topic to argue with him.
This is my belief: if you are an asshole, it's going to catch up with you. If you are nice to other people, it will come around again to you. Basically karma without all the hippie bullshit.

As for the teacher, I would've pissed in his coffee.
I ate, that helped my mood. I apologize for threats of bodily harm. Let's do this: I don't feel like making an enemy out of you, Flanders boy. lets agree not to talk religion anymore.
I ate, that helped my mood. I apologize for threats of bodily harm. Let's do this: I don't feel like making an enemy out of you, Flanders boy. lets agree not to talk religion anymore.
Well, fair enough for me, since religion is apparently a subject that makes your temper flare. And don't worry about the threats of bodily harm. I didn't take those seriously anyway.
Well if we were in person, I can't promise I WOULDN'T have gone after you. Thats why sometimes a body of water in the way is a good thing. :p