Life Sucks
and then you die
I tried to get into the Dead Kennedys a long time ago. I wanted to like them, but they just never clicked with me.
Besides laying the groundwork for every important punk band after them?
Whats wrong with being pro-woman? Are you anti-woman or a bigot because if so than I don't know how dig punk.
not a fan of the old dirty 3 chord punk bullshit
dead kennedys and all that can suck a dick
I'm a misogynist. not necessarily "anti-feminist", because that's ridiculous.
Seriously, get the fuck out of punk. Your lack of getting laid should never push misogynist into being a part of your belief system.
venomous concept are ace
there are plenty of bands who hate women, gays and minorities and are still punk bands so whats your point?
So what exactly are the reasons for your misogyny and your need to push your views on others in this thread, youdontknowme?